Dear parents / carers Can we remind parents that if you require a KEEP / Nursery lunch for your child, you must book and pay in the School Gateway app by 9.30am each day. It is important that you order lunches each day by the deadline to allow us to order the correct number…
Read MoreDear parents / carers We are excited to confirm that Year 4 will have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit to High Borrans this April! We very much hope that all children who want to will take up this amazing opportunity. High Borrans is an Outdoor Education centre near Windermere…
Read MorePlease click on the link: Northumbria Police Newsletter to view a copy of the Northumbria Police Safer Internet Day, Newsletter for Parents and Carers – February 2022. Thank you
Read MoreDear parents / carers As per our advance notification, parents evening will take place after school on Monday 7th and Thursday 10th February 2022. Parents evening will take place virtually via School Cloud. Feedback from our trial of this system last term was very positive. This system allows you to book your appointment…
Read MoreThe first Premises and Pupil Safety committee meeting of 2022 was held virtually on Friday 21st January 2022. Despite Covid no longer being top of the agenda for these meetings there are still updates to be had. Covid safety measures in school remain in line with government guidance. Parents and carers are no longer asked…
Read MoreHH Sports Coaching with Harry Hoggins is hosting a 3 day Multi Sports Camp during the February 2022 Half Term at King Edward Primary School on Monday 21st February 2022, Tuesday 22nd February 2022 and Wednesday 23rd February 2022. To book a place, scan the QR code below or click on the link: HH Sports…
Read MoreOOSC booking is now open for February half term! Please click on the link below to view a copy of the activity planning: OOSC February Holiday Club Activity Planning 2022 You should make your booking in the School Gateway app. Just go to clubs and select ‘OOSC Holiday Club’ to pay and make…
Read MorePlease click on the links below to view a copy of your child’s Spring Term Newsletter: Nursery Spring Term Newsletter The KEEP Spring Term Newsletter Reception Spring Term Newsletter Year 1 Spring Term Newsletter Year 2 Spring Term Newsletter Year 3 Spring Term Newsletter Year 4 Spring Term Newsletter Year 5 Spring Term Newsletter…
Read MoreDear parents / carers Essential reading for all parents / carer – current guidelines on COVID testing and isolation periods. When to take a PCR test If you have symptoms of COVID, you MUST isolate and take a PCR test. An LFD (rapid Lateral Flow Device) test is not suitable in this…
Read MoreCatering Services are hosting a Pizza Party Funday Lunch on Thursday 20th January 2022 Pupils have chosen their favourite dishes for the menu, a selection of pizzas served with fries and freshly prepared homemade salads, followed by ice cream with mandarin oranges and fruit juice drink. Medical diets will be catered for. Pupils will have…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, As a result of reviewing our risk assessments and contingency planning, I thought it would be helpful to confirm a few things before Monday for you and your children. Having reviewed the latest advice and guidance there will be some changes from before Christmas in some areas, but not in others. We are…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, Having reviewed our contingency planning there are a number of very important updates to share with you all. Please can I ask that you read the following information carefully. Face coverings From Monday all parents and carers need to wear face coverings in the school yard. This is due…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Firstly, can I begin the new year by wishing you all a happy and healthy 2022. I hope that you have all managed to have a relaxing and restful Christmas break. This is the very last letter I wanted to find myself writing at the start of 2022, but…
Read MoreA huge thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets for our Christmas raffle, the draw has been made and families who have won will be contact by text message individually regarding their prize. Prizes will be handed out to children in school apart from any alcohol related prizes, can we please ask parents…
Read MoreAre you worried about your child’s weight? Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust are offering a 10 week free course which will support you and your family make healthy lifestyle changes together. Please click on the link below for more information. Healthy4Life Flyer
Read MorePlease take the time to view the you tube video of amazing schools which have achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark in 2021!!
Read MoreDear parents and carers, You will no doubt be aware from the news that COVID cases are signficiantly on the rise. The latest variant is also much more transmissable and easier to spread. It is now less than 2 weeks to Christmas. Christmas was diffiicult for everyone, with families unable to get together…
Read MoreOnce again we will be providing free school meal vouchers to the value of £30 per child for over the Christmas 2 week break for children who are entitled to free school benefit related meals (not universal free school meals) on or before 29th November 2021. Parents and carers will receive their voucher via…
Read MoreWe are selling tickets for our Christmas Raffle, tickets are £1 per strip and will be on sale from Monday 13th December until Thursday 16th December 2021. Raffle will be drawn midday on Friday 17th December 2021. All proceeds will go to activities /resources for the children in our school. If you would…
Read MoreI am very pleased to be able to share the exciting news that Mr Routledge has been appointed to a head teacher post in Northumberland! Mr Routledge joined us to take up the post of maths leader and assistant head teacher. Since then he has taken on a number of responsiblilities as part of…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, Firstly, thank you for all of your support throughout the autumn term in helping support reading and phonics at home. The children are all making progress and are on their way to becoming confident, independent readers. The support that you give children at home is invaluable and by regularly reading…
Read MoreDear parents / carers We will be holding Christmas parties in school during the last weeks of term for all year groups! On your child’s party day (see below), please send them to school in their party clothes / non school uniform. Children should be suitably dressed for the cold December weather. You…
Read MoreDear Reception & Year 1 Parents / Carers, As Christmas approaches, we are delighted to tell you that we have arranged for Bigfoot Arts Education to come into school to perform the pantomime ‘The Greediest Christmas Elf’ for children in Reception and Year 1. The children in these year groups haven’t been able…
Read MoreChildren are very welcome to come into school this Friday 10th December 2021 in a Christmas jumper / non uniform, as it is Christmas Jumper Day nationally. If anyone has any Christmas jumpers their child has outgrown, please send them into school washed by Wednesday AM. We will then text parents the sizes of…
Read MoreCatering Services will be serving Christmas Lunch to children on Wednesday 15th December 2021 for the whole school. Each separate year group will have their own time slot to eat as they do at the moment. Christmas Lunch Menu Roast Turkey & Chipolata Sausage or Quorn Roast served with Roast Potatoes Carrots Brussel Sprouts Chocolate…
Read MoreDear parents / carers As you may have seen on our Facebook page, the Scholastics Book Fair is in school next week! Due to the current COVID climate, we will not be inviting parents into school to visit the book fair. However, all children will be given the opportunity to visit the book…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, We very much appreciate that Christmas was difficult for everyone last year, so we have tried to make our school extra ‘Christmassy’ inside and outside with extra things around school for your children. But due to the current situation with COVID, Christmas activities will not take place in quite the…
Read MoreParents/Carers of children in Year 6 We are over the moon to inform you that Year 6 children have the opportunity to visit High Borrans Outdoor Education Centre between 23rd and 27th May 2022. One class will visit High Borrans at the beginning of the week and the other class will go at the end…
Read MoreParents/Carers of children in Year 4 We are over the moon to inform you that Year 4 children have the opportunity to visit High Borrans Outdoor Education Centre between 14th and 18th February 2022. One class will visit High Borrans at the beginning of the week and the other class will go at the…
Read MoreChristmas is coming and we each bring our own sledge load of past experiences, expectations, internal and external pressures. Please click on the link below to view some tips for how to survive and thrive the Christmas Storm: Supporting Traumatised Children Through the Christmas Storm
Read MoreDear parents and carers, I am writing to let you know about a change of class teachers for Y2R and Y3R. Back in July, when I made the decision about class teachers for September, I did not know about some happy news! Miss Reynolds is having a baby! She will be leaving Y2R at Christmas.…
Read MoreDear parent / carer The Staffing and Finance (S&F) Committee met on 19th November virtually. During the meeting the following points were discussed: School is currently reviewing the school meal provider. Look out for some exciting future developments. King Edward Primary are currently trialing a new initiative in school, the tutoring programme. If successful the…
Read MoreDear Parent/Carers, This term our children will be discussing the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule in our RSHE lessons. During these discussions we will aim to teach our pupils the following important safety skills without giving explicit information or telling scary stories. We will be teaching our pupils the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule, using the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Our Curriculum and Pupil Outcomes (C&O) committee met for the first time this term and we were pleased to welcome our newest governor, Mhairi McCowan to this group. It was exciting to hear from Miss Byrne about this year’s planned training for staff including a range of national and accredited courses…
Read MoreDear parents / carers Several months ago, the Government announced that schools would be able to provide some additional support to identified children, as a result of the impact of COVID. Children identified by individual schools would have the opportunity to access some ‘catch up’ support for ‘lost learning’, caused by the COVID pandemic,…
Read MoreWe are overwhelmed by the huge collection of items our families have brought into school today to donate to Age UK North Shields. Thank you so much for your kind generosity.
Read MoreDear parents / carers OOSC booking is now open for Christmas 2021! We are currently planning some lovely activities for over the Christmas period which we will share with you in the near future! The club will be open from 7.30am-5.30pm at a rate of £30 per day on the following dates: Wednesday…
Read MoreNorth Shields Methodist Church, Hawkeyes Lane, North Shields are hosting a Musical Ensemble called Musical Pews. The aim is to give children an opportunity to sing or play musical instruments and to have lots of fun together. Practices on Thursday’s at 5pm – 5.45pm – any age welcome. Please click on the link…
Read MoreBBC’s Children in Need are having their annual appeal on Friday 19th November. In support of this, we would like children to come to school in their pyjamas on Friday 19th November 2021. Children need to be dressed sensibly and warmly, dressed for a cold day (wear their pyjamas on top of warm clothes) and…
Read MoreAge UK Charity Shop have kindly asked us if we can support them with urgently needed donations for their shop in North Shields. They are desperately in need of good quality items to sell in the shop such as: Clothing Shoes Bric a brac Jewellery Bags Books They are asking families in…
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