Our Governers
The Role of the Governing Body
The governing body plays a crucial role in ensuring the best possible education for our children.
The purpose of governors is to provide, confident strategic leadership and create robust systems of accountability for educational and financial performance.
The full governing body meets every half term, as well as conducting frequent committee meetings and school visits.
The three core functions of the governing board are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic vision
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent
Governer’s News
Welcome from the Chair of Governors
As the Chair of Governors I would like to welcome you to King Edward Primary School.
Our children are kind and caring individuals and their achievements are valued and encouraged and we take great pride in our pupils and the education we provide.
Our school is a hive of activity and the diversity in teaching style and opportunities will ensure that your child is motivated to learn and have fun whilst doing so. The amazing staff go above and beyond to ensure that the children have experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. This enables them to challenge themselves and develop a wide range of skills and knowledge that they can be proud of.
As a school we communicate with our parents and carers in a wide range of ways; using social media, our school website and different messaging platforms, so you will always be kept up to date with school life and events and the staff in our school office are highly experienced and available to help with any queries that you may have.
There are many opportunities and events where you will be able to join in and build a relationship with the school, other parents and the children at school and we actively seek to engage with our families on a regular basis.
The school is supported in its goals by a strong and experienced Governing Body and we continue to strive to make the school the best it can be. We make sure that the school’s strategic direction is supported, and that policies and procedures are robust and fit for purpose. We ensure that the school budget and resources are being used in the best way possible for our children. In addition to this we make sure that we have a wide-ranging set of skills and training so that we add value in everything we do.
Our children are our best advert and I would encourage you to visit the school if you can. You will be greeted by hardworking and enthusiastic learners, friendly staff, and a positive and bright teaching environment and will leave feeling the same way about the school as we do. I hope that you will feel that your child would like to join us and we look forward to your family choosing our school.
Chair of Governors
Contact our Governors
Jonathan Heath
Adele Tong
Governing Body’s Annual Statement 2022-23
This academic year membership of the governing body has remained largely stable. There have been no resignations and only one additional governor joining as a result of a parent election in the autumn term.
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings has been very good throughout the year. Every other meeting takes place virtually as Governors and Leaders recognise the benefits of virtual meetings in relation to travel and workload. Committee meetings have also been well attended on the whole.
Individual governors are directly involved in the school improvement process by being linked to an Implementation Plan (previous School improvement Plan priority). Governors make regular visits to school in relation to their linked area. During visits they talk to Leaders, Staff and children, review appropriate paperwork and see teaching and learning or other relevant activities. Link governors report back to the Full Governing Body on their visit.
Governor visits also fulfil the statutory requirements around safeguarding and health and safety. Again, these are reported to the Full Governing Body.
The Governing Body are currently exploring setting up a Multi Academy Trust with an additional three schools in the local area. A significant amount of governor time has been invested in exploring a range of MAT options, completing due diligence for the current proposal and considering the views of stakeholders including via consultation.
In addition this year, the Governing Body have:
- Reviewed improvements made to the EY outdoor area
- Monitored the implementation of Zones of Regulation and Stepping Zones
- Reviewed the new data tracking software system (Sonar)
- Monitored the implementation of the Power Maths programme
- Reviewed staff and parent / carer surveys
- Authorised a change in catering provider from Caterlink to an in-house provision
- Monitored the OOSC budget and pupil uptake
- Agreed staff salary scales and terms and conditional in line with North Tyneside recommendations
- Set fees for chargeable services including uniform, OOSC and lettings
- Received reports on safeguarding, attendance and SEND
- Supported an application for Artsmark
- Set and monitored the school budget which has a positive carry forward for financial year 2022-23
- Reviewed termly accident reports and any resulting actions
- Authorised capital building works including roof repair, disabled toilet adaptations, Nursery toilet renovation
- Reviewed policies in line with statutory requirements
In all areas Governors offer both challenge and support to school leaders in constructive dialogue that is evidence based and reflective.
Committee | Abrv. | Name of Chair |
Staffing and Finance | S&F | Adele Tong |
Curriculum and Pupil Outcomes | C&O | Lucy Laidler |
Premises and Pupil Safety | P&S | Caroline Afolabi-Deleu |
Caroline Afolabi-Deleu | Foundation | Appointed | September 1, 2019 | August 31, 2027 |
Kate Byrne | Head teacher | Appointed | September 1, 2010 | - |
Stephanie Collins | Parent | Elected | November 14, 2022 | November 13, 2026 |
Jonathan Heath | Co-opted | Appointed | January 21, 2019 | January 20, 2027 |
Jeannette Hefford | Parent | Elected | November 1, 2021 | October 31, 2025 |
David Lilly | Local Authority | Appointed | March 21, 2022 | March 20, 2026 |
Mhairi McGowan | Co-opted | Appointment | September 1, 2021 | August 31, 2025 |
Berni Miller | Co-opted | Appointed | September 1, 2021 | August 31, 2025 |
Debra Nichol | Foundation | Appointed | December 5, 2019 | December 4, 2027 |
Adele Tong | Co-opted | Appointed | October 5, 2020 | October 4, 2024 |
Sarah Parnaby | Clerk/Admin | |||
Vacancy | Co-opted | |||
Vacancy | Staff | |||
Lucy Laidler | Staff | Elected | September 1, 2019 | August 31, 2023 |
Maria Humphreys | Parent | Elected | March 8, 2019 | August 31, 2022 |
Strategic Governance
The purpose of a Governing Body is to support leaders in school by providing confident, strategic leadership and upholding robust systems of accountability for educational and financial performance. Governors are not involved in decisions around the day-to-day operational running of the school.
In order to perform this role well, a governor is expected to:
- Get to know the school, including by visiting the school occasionally during school hours, and gain a good understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses
- Work in partnership with the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and other governors to raise standards and improve outcomes for all children
- Attend induction training and regular relevant training and development events
- Attend meetings (full governing body meetings and committee meetings) and read all the papers before the meeting
- Act in the best interest of all the pupils of the school
- Behave in a professional manner, as set down in the governing body’s code of conduct, including acting in strict confidence.
Governors now play an even more vital role in the leadership of the school in relation to the new Ofsted inspection framework. It is important that a Governor understands their role within this and that they have a good level of understanding of the inspection framework and where the school currently sits within this and its plans for the future.
They must be comfortable to question and challenge within meetings and also be aware that their name may be reflected in the minutes when doing so.
Governor Details
Governor Attendance 2022-23 Governor Attendance 2023-24 Governor Pecuniary Interests 2023-24