Ofsted & DfE

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted report directly to Parliament and  are independent and impartial. Ofsted inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Every week, Ofsted carry out hundreds of inspections and regulatory visits throughout England, and publish the results on their website.

We were last fully inspected in April 2018. OfSted were extremely pleased with the progress we had made as a school and recognised our outstanding features.

We knew that as a direct result of our ongoing hardwork, commitment and continued drive for improvement that we had much to be proud of at our school.  So we welcomed OfSted when they revisted us in October 2023.  However, Ofsted carry out two types of inspections.  This was not a full inspection.

OfSted also recognised the ongoing significant progress we had made since our 2018 Ofsted visit.  This is despite the increasingly challenging OfSted framework and the huge impact of COVID and the disruption it caused for so long in education.

Our October 2023 OfSted report states:

'The evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now.'

As a result of our hugely positive October 2023 inspection, we were told that we will be fully inspected again at some point before October 2025 in order to fully assess our school and all that we offer.

We welcome this upcoming inspection and see it as an opportunity to celebrate all that we do each and every day.

Our children only get one chance at their education and it matters to us that we do all that we can to get it right for each of them.

The Department for Education is a department of Her Majesty’s Government responsible for education in schools, including early years.

One function of the DfE is to collate pupil performance, staffing and financial information about schools. To view the DfE's information about our school, please click here.

Ofsted Summary 2023

Here’s what Ofsted had to say about our school following their short inspection in October 2023:

Pupils at this school embody the school values of ‘happy, caring and achieving’. They are polite, considerate and friendly members of the school ‘family’. Pupils reciprocate the positive and nurturing relationships modelled by staff. They feel safe at the school. Parents agree. A committed team of well-trained staff do all they can to keep pupils safe. One pupil told the inspector, ‘There is nowhere in school that feels unsafe.’

Leaders in school have high expectations of themselves, of staff and of pupils. These high expectations result in a very positive environment for learning. Pupils of all ages demonstrate high levels of concentration and focus in lessons. They achieve well as a result of high-quality teaching. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff and pupils are proud to be part of the school community. This means that behaviour and attitudes in and around the school are exceptional. This positivity permeates the whole school.

Attendance rates are high. Bullying is very rare, but parents and pupils agree that staff would deal with it if it were to occur. Staff support pupils well to help them develop a strong sense of equality and to embrace diversity. A pupil said: ‘We respect people for being what they want to be. Everyone would be treated the same.’

School leaders, and those responsible for governance, share high ambition for all pupils and staff.

Ofsted Summary 2018 - our last full S5 inspection

Here’s what Ofsted had to say about our school following their inspection in April 2018:

  • ‘You have embedded a happy, positive ethos in which pupils and adults thrive’
  • ‘Pupils are polite, considerate and full of smiles’
  • ‘You hold high aspirations for pupils’
  • ‘A keen, united sense of responsibility therefore drives adults in their work to support and challenge pupils appropriately’
  • Attainment is ‘at the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics’ and ‘has been sustained at above national averages’
  • ‘Pupils’ welfare and their achievements are consistently held central to your team’s thinking and actions’
  • ‘You are fully committed to building on those good practices that exists across subjects’
  • ‘The safety of pupils is of utmost importance to you’
  • ‘Pupil’s wellbeing, success and enjoyment are central to your actions; the protection and welfare of pupils fuel your decision-making processes’
  • ‘Staff are suitably vigilant in their duty to protect and care for pupils’
  • ‘Pupils said that they feel safe’
  • Pupils ‘are confident that appropriate actions is taken to support them’
  • ‘Pupils are adamant that bullying has no place in their school’
  • ‘Parents, staff and pupils are proud of their school.  There is a real sense of community and shared appreciation of what is on offer.  Parents are grateful for the recently established extended provision, “KEEP”, which offers 30-hour provision for eligible children, and the out-of-school club (OOSC)’
  • ‘The positive culture encourages staff to strive to improve their skills across subjects.  Several members of staff have developed specialisms in their areas of responsibility or interest, sharing their effective practices within school and across other schools’
  • There is ‘a perceptible “buzz” of learning’
  • Pupils’ ‘behaviour, resilience and attitudes to learning are commendable’
  • ‘Children in the early years are well cared for, bubbly and full of smiles.  Adults and children have strong, positive relationships. You have improved the outdoor environment for children, thereby extending learning opportunities that are firmly focused on children’s interests.  The environment is literacy and numeracy rich’
  • ‘Early years staff, including those in the “KEEP”, are unfailingly caring and kind’
  • ‘Staff, parents and governors have complete faith in your leadership and management of the school and your ability to meet the needs of the pupils in your care’
  • ‘You analyse pupils’ outcomes incisively, putting additional support in place promptly for pupils who may be falling behind’