The School Day

Reception to Year 2

8.50-9.00am drop off

3.15pm pick up

We ask that children do not arrive at school before 8.40am

The school week is 32 hours and 5 minutes in total

Year 3 to Year 6

8.50-9.00am drop off

3.20pm pick up

We ask that children do not arrive at school before 8.40am

The school week is 32 hours and 30 minutes in total


8.45am to 11.45am

12.30pm - 3.30pm

The school week is 15 hours and 0 minutes in total


(Early Years 30 hour provision)

9.00am to 9.15am - transition start

3.00pm - 3.15pm - transition end

The school week is 31 hours and 15 minutes in total

PE Days 22-23

Children will have PE on two afternoons per week.  They should come into school in their full PE kit.  This consists of PE shorts under school joggers and PE t-shirt under school jumper.  This should be worn with trainers.  Please see below table for your child’s PE days.

Reception - to be allocated after October half term

Year 1 - Monday and Wednesday

Year 2 - Wednesday and Thursday

Year 3 - Wednesday and Friday

Year 4 - Monday and Tuesday

Year 5 - Tuesday and Thurday

Year 6 - Monday and Friday

Click here to see site map showing entrances for each year group for 2022-23