ICT Acceptable Use Agreement

Our Ethos

Use of ICT is an integral part of the curriculum and the modern world. We think it is important that parents to know how we use ICT in school and for children understand how to use this tool safely and sensibly to get the most out of a very valuable resource.

Our agreement

By sending your child to our school, you are agreeing to support the school as detailed in our ICT Acceptable Use Agreement.  If you would like to speak to a member of staff about the content of this agreement, please email info@kingedward.org.  Please ensure you discuss the content of the agreement with your child.

How we use school devices

Children have access to a number of devices in school including desktop computers, laptops, Chromebooks and iPads.  Devices are used to access the computing curriculum as well as to enhance learning in other areas of the curriculum.

Rules for use of school devices

  • I will only use school devices with permission from a member of school staff
  • I will follow all instructions from staff in the safe use of devices
  • I will only use devices  for school work and homework
  • I will only access computers with my own log in and will not share this with other children (where applicable)
  • I will not access other people’s files
  • I will treat all devices with care and respect and not seek to damage any school devices
  • If I accidentally damage a device I will tell an adult in school immediately
  • I will not try to install any software on school devices or change any of the settings
  • I will not bring in a memory stick or other external hardware from outside school

I understand that the school may check my files and what I type on a school device

How we use the internet

Our internet operates a filtering system that restricts access to inappropriate materials.  All screens are in public view to supervise access and use is monitored.  It is important that we help our children to stay safe online.  We will be using materials provided by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP), NSPCC and Childnet to education your child in the safe use of the internet.  For information about social media, see our Social Media Policy.

Rules for use of the internet

  • I will ask permission from an adult before using the internet
  • I will follow all instructions from staff in the safe use of the internet
  • I will use search engines only to search for content that I am allowed to search for as part of lessons and activities
  • I will not give my home address or telephone number to anyone, or arrange to meet someone, over the internet unless my parent/carer or teacher has given me permission
  • I will not attempt to upload or download content without permission from staff

I understand that school can monitor what sites I visit on the internet and what I type into search engines

How we use emails

We have our own private email domain provided by G Suite for Education.  Children are given an individual email account and password.  This is vital in order for them to access areas of the curriculum and will help them develop a number of skills.  Their account can be accessed at home and to communicate with other children outside of school.  Their account use is monitored by school and online safety is emphasised in lessons.

Rules for using emails

  • I will always be polite and kind when talking via email
  • I will not open any attachments or links in emails unless I have permission from an adult at home or school
  • I will not share my log in details with other children
  • I will always check careful to make sure I am sending emails to the correct person
  • If am uncomfortable about any email I receive, I will tell an adult at home or school as soon as possible

I understand that my emails are not private and can be monitored and accessed by school