Staffing & Finance Autumn Term 1 – Overview

Dear parent / carer


Governors of the Staffing and Finance (S&F) governor committee met recently for the first meeting of the academic year.  


We reviewed the use of Sports Premium funding for 2022-23 and were pleased with the positive impact this funding continues to have in school.  More information can be found on the PE curriculum page of our website.  


Our ever popular Out of School Club (OOSC) has seen a significant rise in pupil numbers since COVID!  However, due to the loss of staff in recent years due to retirement and the current long term absence of a member of staff due to bereavement, OOSC are struggling to accommodate the increased demand.  To ensure safe staff to pupil ratios, there has been no choice but to cap numbers at the current time.  We encourage any parents who rely on the club to book with as much advance notice as possible (and at least two days in advance as standard) to avoid disappointment.  School continues to explore recruitment options to increase staffing at the club and governors will continue to monitor the situation.  


Thank you

Adele Tong

Chair of S&F Committee

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