Dear parent / carer, Please click the link to see a letter from Miss Byrne, Headteacher. A second letter will follow shortly with the next steps. Thank you.
Read MoreDear parent / carer Given the latest announcement by Boris Johnson last night, we will be reviewing a number of things during the course of today. Please bear with us and give us some time while we do this. The latest advice is now for whole households to stay at home for 14 days if…
Read MoreWe have made the decision to share our fabulous science week learning with you all via videos, rather than go ahead with our science fair tomorrow morning. This is purely a precaution to reassure you all that we will avoid any unnecessary gatherings at the current time. These will be shared with you in the…
Read MoreAs yet we are still unaware of any confirmed cases of Coronavirus linked to King Edward Primary School staff or students. Just to remind you, if your child develops a new and persistent cough or a fever (above 37.8 degrees) then they should self-isolate for 7 days. Currently the guidance does not extend to self-isolation…
Read MoreTo celebrate and raise awareness for World Down Syndrome Day, children are invited to come to school wearing colourful interesting odd socks on Friday 20th March 2020. No donation required.
Read MoreDear parent / carer I am excited to inform you that school has decided to set up a brand new Parents and Teachers Association (PTA)! This will replace our previous association, FOKE. Our vision for a new PTA: A registered charity with a formal structure and constitution Fundraising to provide opportunities and activities that have…
Read MoreDear parent / carer This week our Curriculum and Outcomes Committee met as part of normal school processes. We discussed the Coronavirus situation and are satisfied that school are following the current advice provided by National agencies and the Local Authority. The governors would ask that parents continue to encourage their children to follow good…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view a copy of the Out of School Club Easter Holiday Activity Programme – w/c Monday 6th April 2020 & w/c Tuesday 14th April 2020: King Edward Out of School Club – Easter Holiday Activity Programme April 2020 Please note: we will open the booking for the Out…
Read MoreWe know there is a a lot of information in the media currently about corona virus, we would like to assure parents that we always encourage good hygiene in school, we have just recently shown the brief power point to all children on what to:
Read MoreOur school telephone lines are now back up and running. Thank you
Read MoreDear parent / carer You may have noticed a few changes to your School Gateway app. When you go to the home screen, you will now see a section called ‘Useful Links’. In this section you can find quick links to our school website, calendar, news feed, Facebook and Twitter. If you use OOSC or…
Read MoreDear parents / carers As National Offer Day for Middle and High Schools is on Sunday 1st March 2020, you will receive either an email (if applied online) or letter (by post) informing you which school your child has been allocated on Monday 2nd March 2020. If you do not get the school place you wanted…
Read MoreDear parent / carer In April 2019, the government announced new regulations for teaching Relationships and Sex Education in England that will become statutory in September 2020. As you know we have changed our curriculum and policy already as we are a DfE nationally designated pilot school. These new regulations are a great step forward…
Read MoreAfter receiving several complaints recently regarding dog fouling around the school we have been in contact with the local dog warden. The dog warden has advised us they will be doing patrol’s around the school on a regular basis. If you know who is responsible for any dog fowling please contact North Tyneside Council on…
Read MoreDear Parent/Carers During their time at King Edward Primary School we hope that every child will take an opportunity to come with us on an exciting adventure at High Borrans Outdoor Education, near Windermere in the Lake District. High Borrans is a self-contained centre, in its own grounds, which belongs to North Tyneside Council. The…
Read MoreAs you are aware the parents evening for Miss Osueke was cancelled due to her ill health, it has now been rearranged on Thursday 6th February 2020 and Monday 10th February 2020. All previous appointments have been cancelled, please book a new appointment for your child. If you are unable to make any of the…
Read MoreWe have been working with Geoff from Go Smarter, trying to keep the school clear of cars to reduce pollution and keep the children safe. We are hoping to have children coming to school by car less often, and coming by walking, cycling, scooting or skateboarding. These are better because they give us exercise, keep…
Read MoreOn Wednesday 29th January 2020, as part of PSHE, Year 5 will be learning about safe and unsafe adults through the education programme of Alright Charlie You can view the video that we will be using via YouTube. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.
Read MoreDear Parent/Carer, As you may already be aware, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), along with Health Education, will soon be forming part of the National Curriculum. This change becomes statutory as of September 2020. As part of our school’s wider Personal, Social and Health Education programme, your child will be receiving age appropriate lessons on…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view a copy of the King Edward Out of School Club: February Holiday Club Activity Programme Planning – Monday 17th February 2020 to Friday 21st February 2020: King Edward Out of School Club February Half Term Planning
Read MoreDear parent /carer On behalf of the Manager at Energie Fitness Gym, we would like to make parents aware that the gym’s car park is not available for school use. This is privately owned property for gym members only. Parents / carers are asked not to use the gym’s car park at pick up and…
Read MoreReception to Year 6 Parents Evening – Monday 27th January 2020 and Thursday 6th February 2020 Please enter your details and select an appointment time. You will need to enter a valid email address when completing this form, you will then receive an email confirming your appointment time. Class 4O have parents evening on a…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view our Spring Term 2020 Advance Diary Dates. Advance Diary Dates – Spring Term 2020
Read MoreDear parent / carer While we do not encourage children to have mobiles, we acknowledge that for some families it is a way to ensure their child’s safety on the way to and from school. Parents who wish for their child (year 4 – 6 only) to have use of a mobile phone whilst travelling…
Read MoreDear parent / carer The second staffing and finance committee meeting of the academic year took place earlier this term. The committee meets half termly to review and address all issues of staffing and finance. Any relevant information and actions are fed back into the full governing body meetings. During the meeting we discussed: The…
Read MoreThe children in Years 4, 5 & 6 will be singing at St Augustins Church, North Shields on Tuesday 17th December 2019 at 2pm, all families are welcome to attend. Please complete the online pick up arrangements slip below for after the Service. Thank you KS2 Carol Service at St Augustins Church Pick Up Arrangements
Read MoreWe are having a whole school (Nursery to Year 6) Christmas Jumper/Non Uniform Day on Friday 13th December 2019. We are kindly asking for donations for the Bay Food Bank, North Shields, items include: Tinned/Packet Potatoes Long Life Milk* Rice Pudding Custard (Tin or Packet) Savoury Snacks (Crisps etc)* Sweet Snacks (Chocolate, selection boxes etc)*…
Read MoreUnfortunately, FOKE have told us this morning that they are unable to go ahead with the school fayre due to a lack of helpers. Unfortunately, as we were not aware of this at all until this morning, despite a lot of staff help, the fayre will not now go ahead. We will meet with FOKE…
Read MoreTo all choir parents/carers: If your child is performing at the Christingle at Christ Church tonight, can they please bring their Christingle they have made with them and come to the side entrance at Christ Church for 6 pm. The main church door for parents/carers will not be open until 6.15 pm. Thank you
Read MoreApologies there will be no more Choir club this term due to staff illness. All other music events including the Christingle and the singing at St Augustins will still go ahead as normal. Thank you
Read MoreCatering Services Food Menu – Monday 9th December 2019, food options will be as follows: Sausage and potato mash with beans. Vegetarian option will be vegetable fingers with potato mash and beans. Also available will be jacket potato, sandwiches and salad bar. Desert will be arctic roll. The local authority have informed us that our…
Read MoreIt was another busy agenda for the second Full Governing Body meeting of this year. We focused on a range of issues and held detailed discussions on issues such as SEND provision, pupil premium spending, the school site and progress towards the school improvement plan priorities for this year. I am pleased to report that…
Read MoreREMINDER – Children can wear their Christmas jumpers/non-uniform on Friday 6th December 2019, we are asking for a £1 donation on this day. Thank you
Read MoreMessage from Catering Services, unfortunately there is a fault in the kitchen. We are unable to offer a hot lunch to children on Wednesday 4th December 2019, sandwiches will be available for lunch. The local authority are trying to fix the issue. Catering Services have arranged for hot lunches on Thursday and Friday, the…
Read MoreDear parent / carer We are collecting donations this year for The BAY Foodbank in North Shields. The BAY Foodbank aims to provide emergency food provision to individuals or families experiencing financial crisis. This Christmas, they have created a wish list of items that would be of great benefit to families in need. This includes:…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Year 5 are getting a visit from ‘That History Bloke’ next week on Tuesday 3rd December. He will be providing the children with a unique insight into their current topic of The Tudors through an exciting workshop. This interactive and engaging workshop is an amazing experience for the children. To help…
Read MoreDear parent / carer We want everyone in our school community to be safe and happy while using our school site. With the dark nights now making the site dark before 4.00pm, it has been a good time to review access to our site and at the same time remind you of a few things…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view an important information letter from Public Health England regarding flu-like illness and diarrhoea / Vomiting in Schools: Important information letter from Public Health England
Read MoreFriends of King Edward look forward to welcoming you and your children to our Family Film Night. This year, we will be screening ‘The Grinch’ (2018). Tickets are £2.00 each for adults and £1.00 each for children. Tickets are limited and this event is very popular so please be quick in purchasing your tickets. As…
Read MoreDear Parent/Carers Due to temporary closure of Tynemouth Swimming pool year 4L swimming lessons will now be on a Monday morning and held at Waves leisure pool. Lessons will commence from Monday 25th November the final lesson for this class will be Monday 9th December 2019. Thank you Leigh Leese Class Teacher
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