Childcare Arrangements Easter Holidays

Dear parent / carer

Childcare offer to key workers

We are currently offering child care to our key worker families.  We propose to continue to offer this both during the Easter holidays and afterwards, for as long as school is closed, as long as we can staff it.  

The hours will remain as 9.00am – 3.30pm.  

We really appreciate you only using it when you need to, and finding alternative ways of looking after your children where you can.  This is exactly what has been asked of us all.   

“Many parents working in these sectors will be able to ensure their child is kept at home. And every child who can be safely cared for at home should be, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.” 

Dfe Guidance to schools

Opening days over Easter 

We will be open to children of key workers during the two week Easter holidays.  We are going to ask you to book in advance with it being the school holidays. This will enable us to plan.

As an extra supportive measure to those most in need of support, we will also open on Good Friday and Easter Monday for a very small number of children.  However, this will be limited to those who work on the front line within the NHS, fire service or police service.  

For other key workers, those two days are bank holidays both for you and for our own staff.  It is therefore an important time for us all to spend with children and families, especially at this challenging time.  That is why access on those days will be strictly limited.

How to book

  1. All registered key workers will receive one link to book childcare for Monday – Thursday in week 1 (next week).  
  2. We know from your initial registration what role you do.  Therefore if we feel you are eligible, we will also send you a booking link for Good Friday and Easter Monday, in case you need it.
  3. Once those bookings have opened, we will shortly afterwards send you a booking link for the Tuesday – Friday, week 2.

What to do if you no longer need any booking you make for the Easter holidays

Please email me at to let me know.

We intend to revert back to daily bookings once the Easter holidays are over.

Thank you for all that you are doing for us and our community.  I hope that by providing childcare it is helping make your lives at this challenging time that little bit easier to manage.

Best wishes,

Kate Byrne

Head teacher   

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