Please click on the link below to view an information letter regarding the NSPCC’s Speak Out, Staf Safe online programme: NSPCC’s Speak Out, Stay Safe Online Programme Information Letter to Parents/Carers
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, As you know the last few months have been testing times for many of us and unfortunately lots of our children have missed out on so much due to the local lockdowns and restrictions. As a school, we are conscious that many of our children have missed out on celebrating…
Read MoreOdd Socks Day for Anti Bullying Week on Friday 20th November, children can wear odd socks to school (children to wear school uniform), no donation. Thank you
Read MoreDear parent / carer Bubble isolation and remote learning You will have received a text yesterday explaining that there has been a positive case of COVID in Year 6 and informing you that your child needs to isolate. The electronic letter from PHE will have told you how long your child has to isolate for. …
Read MoreREMINDER Children in Need Day tomorrow – Friday 13th November 2020. Children can come to school in pyjamas (please wear something warm underneath and outdoor shoes), we are asking for a £1 donation for this charity. Thank you
Read MoreDear parents/carers, As you already know, Mrs Imray is absent due to her husband having a kidney transplant. I am really pleased to be able to tell you that the early signs are that everything has gone well. But obviously recovery will take a period of time, even once he is out of hospital.…
Read MoreDear Parent/Carer, As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, this November we are taking part in a competition for Maths Week England on Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). It’s called Rock Out 2020 and it’s all done online via For every correct answer to a multiplication…
Read MoreDear parent /carer We are pleased to say that our hot meals trial began this week and has been going very well with children and staff enjoying the food on offer! Because of this, we are looking to extend the trial further. From Monday 9th November, children staying full days in our Nursery…
Read MoreYear 2 – National Phonics Screening Test Thursday 5th November 2020 Dear Parents / Carers, Your child will soon be assessed on the National Phonics Screening Test at the end of November. This test should have been carried out in the Summer term, however, due to Covid-19 and school closures, the Government…
Read MoreDear parent / carer BBC’s Children in Need are having their annual appeal on Friday 13th November. In support of this, we would like children to come to school in their Pyjamas on Friday 13th November 2020. Children are to wear something warm underneath and to wear outdoor shoes not slippers. We are asking…
Read MoreThe Staffing and Finance Committee held our first virtual meeting of the new school year on before half term. The committee continues to meet half termly to discuss matters associated with Staffing and Finance. Due to current restrictions the committee meet virtually and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. One of the…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As you know, our children came in last Friday wearing something red to support the charity, Show Racism the Red Card. Thanks to your kind donations, we managed to raise £363! This money will enable their campaign workers to work with more young people and adults across the UK to…
Read MoreDear parent / carer It is essential that you notify school if your child or anyone in your household or support bubble received a positive COVID-19 test over October half term. Please click here for further information shared by North Tyneside Public Health England. Thank you Kate Byrne Headteacher
Read MoreDear parents/carers, I am writing to let you know that Mrs Imray is going to be absent from school for the coming weeks. Mrs Imray and her husband are happy for me to explain the unique reason, especially as her absence is soon after our children have had such a long time away from…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view a letter from Northumbria Police regarding Fireworks and Bonfire Night. Fireworks and Bonfire Night Information Letter Thank you
Read MoreThe Premises and Pupil Safety Committee held our first virtual meeting of the new school year held on Friday. As you know, we meet at least termly to discuss matters around the premises and the safety of the school community, although last term thanks to Covid, we met a little more frequently! One of the…
Read MoreOur Full Governing Body Meetings (and Committee meetings) continue to take place virtually and they remain well attended. During our latest meeting on the 5th of October our Chair and Vice Chair were re-elected for another year and our committee structures and responsibilities were slightly amended to ensure we remain in a strong position to support the schools strategic…
Read MoreDear parents / carers, The children have settled into life in Reception brilliantly and it is lovely to see them engaging so well with their learning. We have put some activity packs in your children’s book bags this week and will be adding another next week. Under normal circumstances, we would invite you into school…
Read MoreOur Out of School Club will be open over the October half term from Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October 2020. If you would like to book a place, please book online by logging into School Gateway. Please click on the link below to view the Halloween activities which have been planned for the…
Read MoreDear parent /carer ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ is the UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity. They work throughout the UK delivering anti-racism workshops to more than 50,000 people every year, while also providing specialist training to teachers. Every penny they receive makes a real difference to a young person’s life and will enable their campaign…
Read MoreUnfortunately, since our return to school this term we have had a small number of parents highlighting that there is an issue with some dog fouling on the footpaths around our school, which is causing families to have to avoid it when bringing children to and from school. We understand that this may very well…
Read MoreFurther to the post on Tuesday 6th October 2020 regarding Nursery/KEEP Parents Evening (click here), please click on the link below to book a parents evening appointment for your nursery child. Please only book one appointment. If you book an appointment and can no longer attend, please call the school office on 0191 8141455 where…
Read MoreDear Nursery parent /carer We are very aware that when children arrive on site, their teachers are no longer available to catch up with parents as they are now in class ready to start teaching and learning during the soft start. With this in mind, we have made the decision to hold our Nursery parents…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, Unfortunately, I have been informed over the weekend that a member of the school catering staff has testing positive for Covid 19. The member of staff has not been in school since Tuesday and they did not leave the school kitchen on Monday and Tuesday. Therefore there is no risk to your…
Read MoreFurther to the post earlier on in the week regarding Parents Evening (click here for details), please click on the relevant link below for your Child’s class to book an appointment time. Please only book one appointment per child. If you book an appointment and can no longer attend, please call the school office on…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, Outside our school are yellow zig zags which are there to keep all of our children safe. On a Friday a number of parents/carers are thoughtlessly parking on these yellow zig zags when they collect their children for the afternoon. PLEASE can you ALL think of the safety of…
Read MoreDear parent /carer I would like to give you notice of two INSET days this term. School will be closed to all children and parents for staff training on the following dates: Friday 6th November Monday 9th November We have chosen a Friday as one of the INSET days as the majority…
Read MoreDear parent /carer Following the expression of interest form shared with parents a few weeks ago, we have decided to open Out of School Club for October half term. Though there are difficulties for us to overcome in opening and staffing the club in the current climate, we appreciate that a number of our…
Read MoreDear parent /carer We are very aware that when children arrive on site, their teachers are no longer available to catch up with parents as they are now in class ready to start teaching and learning during the soft start. With this in mind, we have made the decision to hold parents evening earlier…
Read MoreDear parent /carer Following the post shared with parents last week, I would like to confirm that we will be beginning a two week trial of hot meals from Monday 12th October. Who is included in the trial? Children in Reception and Year 1 will be provided with hot meals during the trial. This is…
Read MorePlease click on the link: Information letter regarding Operation Encompass Thank you
Read MoreDear parents and carers, Thank you all for your patience as we have all settled back into the routines of school life. It has been an absolute pleasure to have all of your children back in school and to see and catch up with parents and carers as well. As you’ll know, many things…
Read MoreDear parents / carers, As we’ve been a few weeks I thought it would be useful to give you a very quick update on our school meals provision. School meals organisation You may or may not realise the hugely significant changes we have had to make to lunchtimes, in order to maintain year group bubbles. …
Read MoreDear parents / carers, I thought it might be useful to give you an insight into what will happen under the current guidance, if a child or a member of staff tests positive. As you will know, we recently had a positive case in Year 6. Fortunately there have been no more positive tests since. …
Read MoreIf you haven’t done so already, you can now apply for your child’s Reception Place or High School place for Sept 2021. Please click on the link: Apply for your child’s Reception Place or High School Place for September 2021 Deadline for High School Applications is 31st October 2020 Deadline for Reception Place Applications is 15th…
Read MorePlease click on the relevant links below to view a copy of your child’s Class Newsletter for Autumn Term 1. Nursery & KEEP Class Newsletters will appear here shortly. Reception Class Newsletter – Autumn Term 1 Year 1 Class Newsletter – Autumn Term 1 Year 2 Class Newsletter – Autumn Term 1 Year 3 Class…
Read MoreDear parent / carer We are currently considering whether to open Out of School Club at October half term or not. Due to the many challenges of COVID 19, this will only be possible if there is sufficient demand from parents and suitable staffing can be arranged. If you are hoping to access the club,…
Read MoreThe John Spence Community High School virtual open evening for Year 6 pupils and their parents is just one week away. If you have any questions you would like answering then please email with the title ‘Questions for Open Evening’ * * * * * * * * * * * * *…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Please click the link to read important information regarding Covid 19 symptoms and testing from the North Tyneside Council Director of Public Health. Thank you
Read MoreIs your child due to start Reception Class or High School in September 2021? From Thursday 10th September 2020 you can apply for your child’s place. If you live in North Tyneside apply online at Alternatively, you can complete a paper application form. Apply if: Your child is due to start school in Reception,…
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