Nursery Closure w/c 18.01.21

Dear parents and carers, 


As you know we had to make the difficult decision yesterday morning to close Nursery, except to children of critical workers.  This was as a result of two members of staff having to leave school after Nursery opened.


We are struggling with staffing in Nursery as a result of a member of staff testing positive for COVID over Christmas, another member of staff having to now isolate due to a family member testing positive and then a third member of staff being absent.


The only way we can currently open both the Nursery and the KEEP next week with one teacher and one part time HLTA, is to have more supply staff in Nursery than our substantive staff.  I do not believe this is in the best interests of your children.  One teacher and one part time HLTA cannot comfortably and safely take responsibility for the well-being and learning of 60+ three and four year olds, along with strangers who are unfamiliar to our staff, our children and our school.


If it were not for COVID, then we would possibly be able to move some staff from elsewhere in school.  But that is not a viable option.


Therefore Nursery will only be open to Critical Workers and vulnerable children next week.  We are incredibly sorry.


We fully expect to be open as usual from Monday 25th as our current staffing issues should be over.  If your child is therefore attending next week, please can they be dropped and collected at the Nursery.  


If you are struggling as a result of these arrangements, please either call school or email us on  


Thank you 

Miss Byrne



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