Premises and Safety Committee Overview – Spring Term 2021

Another (virtual) Premises and Pupil Safety Committee meeting was held on Friday 5th February 2021 during which we reviewed and ratified a number of key health and safety policies, the procedure for storing EPI / Jext pens, as well as the continually updated school Covid-19 Risk Assessment.


The termly review of the accident reports showed an overall reduction in accidents which is likely due to the yards being less crowded thanks to year group bubbles as well as staggered break and lunchtimes.


Kate also discussed initial plans to redevelop some of the outdoor space. The trim trail at the bottom of the football field is approaching 15 years of age and as such it is no longer cost effective to try and maintain it. The committee welcomed Misss Byrne’s initial thoughts around potential improvements to the outdoor areas and we look forward to reviewing proposals in the coming months. Watch this (outdoor) space!


Finally, we discussed what the reopening of the school might look like after this particular lockdown. While the government has provided no information as yet and bearing in mind that schools will learn of reopening at the same time as everyone else, the committee discussed potential scenarios dependent on government advice.


If the government recommends a phased reopening with constraints on class sizes (as per the first lockdown), this may be challenging for KEPS given the number of key worker children already in school. However, if the government recommends schools reopen fully as they did in September, then the process will be fairly straightforward. The school cannot make any concrete plans until the government provides its guidance which is expected in the coming weeks. The safety and well-being of pupils, staff and families is still paramount, and parents will be advised of any changes as soon as practicable and possible.


Hope you are all safe and well.


Maria Humphreys

Chair of Premises & Safety Committee

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