Parents evening appointments are now available to book online with your child’s class teacher for children who are attending the Critical Keyworker Childcare in school. Children remote learning from home DO NOT need to book an appointment as your child’s teacher has been in touch. If your child is in school and have recently…
Read MoreDear parent / carer School is closed as usual to all children for February half term (Mon 15th-Fri 19th February). School will not be open for Critical Worker Childcare. If you do require childcare, our OOSC is open from 7.30am-5.30pm at a rate of £27.50 per day. You can drop off and collect your child…
Read MoreParents evening appointments are now available to book online with your child’s class teacher. If your child attends the Nursery and you would like to book a parents evening appointment, please click on the link below: Nursery / KEEP Parents Evening Online Booking Form If your child attends both the Nursery and the KEEP, please…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, We have recently been made aware of a new app called ‘Avakin Life’. ‘Avakin Life’ is an online virtual world that allows teens and adults alike to chat and make new friends. It is a virtual 3D gaming world where users create their own character, or Avatar, before choosing their outfits…
Read MoreDear parent /carer Parents evening for Reception to Year 6 will be going ahead this term for the children who are attending on site only. This is because, where children are engaging in remote learning, staff are already contacting families by phone on a regular basis. Parents evening for the children of critical workers…
Read MoreDear parents / carers, Firstly, can we start by thanking all of those parents and families who have shown patience and understanding over the past few months. The start to this term has proved to be very challenging for many of us in our school community and the kindness and support of our families…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, I am writing to update you about Benefits Related Free School Meal (BRFSM) provision. I am very pleased to be able to tell you that as of this week, we are able to order electronic vouchers for your child, in place of their daily school meal. This is because your child is eligible…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, As you know we had to make the difficult decision yesterday morning to close Nursery, except to children of critical workers. This was as a result of two members of staff having to leave school after Nursery opened. We are struggling with staffing in Nursery as a result of…
Read MoreDear parent / carer We are extremely sorry to have to ask parents to collect Nursery/KEEP children with immediate effect. You should collect your child from the Nursery/KEEP entrances. We do NOT have a case of COVID in school but we do have a significant number of Nursery/KEEP staff absent for a variety of reasons. …
Read MoreDear parent / carer It has come to our attention that Google Classroom doesn’t have to be accessed only on a laptop or tablet, but it can also be accessed on PlayStations and Xboxes. This is great news for families who are having to share devices but have one of these consoles available. Modern day…
Read MoreDear parent and carers, I’d like to begin by thanking you and your children at home for being patient with us, as we have reacted and created systems in response to an ever changing landscape. As you’ll know there have been many changes we have had to get to grips with in a limited…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As you know, our OOSC remains open for children accessing our CWC and for Nursery children. As numbers attending the club are significantly lower than usual, we will be reorganising the bubble groups from Monday 11th January. Nursery, Reception and Year 1 will be in the KEEP building. Please drop off…
Read MoreDear parent / carer We are pleased to be able to offer school meals for CWC and KEEP children from Monday 11th January. Lunches will be free for Universal (Reception to Year 2) and benefits related FSM children in school. Children in the KEEP and Years 3-6 will pay for lunches as usual. The school…
Read MoreGood morning, We’re delighted that so many of the children are now set up on Google Classroom. If you haven’t already done so or are having issues with accessing your child’s account, please contact staff as soon as possible by emailing From Monday, our daily remote learning will be set in Google…
Read MoreDear parent / carer We have received updated guidance from the government which states that all Nurseries must now open. This means that, from Monday 11th January, our Nursery and KEEP will be open to all children regardless of Critical Worker status. Our provision will return to its normal operations. Children should attend their usual Nursery…
Read MoreImportant information for Critical Worker Parents/Carers, please click on the link: Critical Worker Childcare Agreement Thank you
Read MoreCritical Worker Provision (CWP) As you know we have been inundated with requests for Critical Worker Provision (CWP). We very much understand that many of you will struggle if we cannot offer you a place. However, being eligible does not mean we have endless places to offer. We can only offer as many spaces…
Read MoreGood Morning, We hope that everybody is safe, happy and doing well. We’re looking forward to seeing you all again soon, whether this be in key worker childcare, online or when we’re all back together again on the yard and in the classroom. During the first lockdown and during individual periods of isolation…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As you know, our Nursery and KEEP are now closed except for Critical Worker Childcare (CWC) and vulnerable children. Following the information shared yesterday, I would like to further clarify what this provision will look like in the Nursery. Instead of being open for morning or afternoon sessions, Nursery…
Read MoreThere is a resources pack at school to collect that will support you with remote learning. These can be picked up from school at the times shown below. Please come to the gate on Preston Avenue and a member of staff from Reception or Year 1 will be there to give it to you. Please…
Read MoreDear parents / carers I can now confirm we will open tomorrow (Wednesday 5th January) for the children of critical workers. Please read this letter carefully for information on how the childcare will be organised. Critical Workers All families who completed the Critical Worker Google Form shared with parents on Monday have been accepted for…
Read MoreDear parents / carers As you know, school is now closed except to the children of critical workers and vulnerable children, from now until February half term. We have been working hard today to make arrangements in school following the last minute announcement by the Prime Minister last night. Thank you for being patient…
Read MoreDear parent /carer LA Catering Services have moved to a new lunch menu starting today. Please click here to view the menu. Due to the size of our school and the logistics of serving lunch to our children in nine different areas across school, we will be offering the main (hot) meal option…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, This term has been long and challenging for everyone and your children have been simply amazing, as have our brilliant staff. Therefore I have arranged for the whole school to watch a virtual panto on the last morning of school. All children and staff will be sitting down watching the virtual panto…
Read MoreDear parent / carer If your child stays all day in the KEEP/Nursery and you would like them to have school lunches, please read the below information carefully to clarify how to book and pay for a school lunch. Booking and payment is made in the School Gateway app. When you order your lunches, please…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Bubble isolation and remote learning You will have received a text explaining that there has been a positive case of COVID in Year 5 and informing you that your child needs to isolate. The text will have told you how long your child has to isolate for. Your child MUST NOT…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view the new school lunch menu from Monday 4th January 2021. Primary School Lunch Menu 20201
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view an important letter from Tobyn Hughes, Managing Director, Transport North East regarding the local Transport Plan. Transport Plan Information Letter
Read MoreThe Staffing and Finance Committee met virtually to discuss all aspects of Staffing and Finance. We discussed at length the schools Pupil Premium Strategy, it is a statutory requirement that schools complete a plan as to how they will support pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium. Governors approved of the detailed and thorough plan…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, We are pleased to inform you that, after trialling it earlier in the Autumn term, we have invested in an online resource called DoodleMaths. You may already be familiar with the programme but this letter will provide you with more detailed information. DoodleMaths is a homework programme that we hope you will…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, This is a plea to you to help and support each other across school. As you know we restructured our timetabled teaching week to enable us to manage the many varied and significant ongoing challenges in school, as a result of Covid. The changes to our timetabled teaching week has ensured…
Read MoreOur Full Governing Body Meetings (and Committee meetings) continue to take place virtually and they remain well attended. The latest meeting took place on Monday 23rd November 2020 The Head Teacher provided us with a detailed update and we are pleased to hear of the resilience that both the children and staff have been showing since the…
Read MoreOur school would love to get involved in helping support the North East Homeless Charity. It is based in our area and one of our parents has approached us to ask if we could help in any way. Which we would love to! The North East Homeless charity is located on the fish quay, also…
Read MoreWe are very pleased to be able to offer all children a Christmas Dinner! Children in Nursery to Year 1 will have their Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 9th December (Year 2 to 6 will only have the option of a grab bag on this day). Year 2 to 6 will have their Christmas Dinner on…
Read MoreDear parent / carer With Christmas just around the corner, we wanted to let you know what we have in store to celebrate Christmas at King Edward. As you will no doubt have guessed, we will need to do some things differently due to COVID. But we are confident that even observing the restrictions,…
Read MoreDear parent /carer Due to the successful roll out of hot meals across school, we are pleased to also be able to offer hot meals to Year 4-6 from tomorrow (Tuesday 1st December). All children in school will now be able to have a hot school dinner. Children will not have the choice…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Bubble isolation and remote learning You will have received a text today explaining that there has been a positive case of COVID in Year 5 and informing you that your child needs to isolate. The electronic letter from PHE will have told you how long your child has to isolate for. …
Read MoreThe Curriculum and Outcomes Committee met virtually last week to discuss all aspects of teaching and learning. We heard about the procedures that were put into place to support all of the children and staff back to school in September. It is clear that our school is taking this seriously and the plans have taken into consideration…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As you know, our children came in last Friday wearing their PJ’s to support the charity, Children in Need. Thanks to your kind donations, we managed to raise an amazing £439.45! This donation will support the charity in their work with children and young people in the UK. We…
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