Swimming Update – Years 4 & 5

Dear parent / carer


As you know, swimming lessons in school have been disrupted both this and last academic year due to COVID, affecting two year groups.  We have just been informed that swimming sessions can resume shortly in a phased approach.  Whilst most schools are not offering this until September onwards, we are keen to provide some swimming provision.  Thank you to those parents who completed the google form shared with parents earlier this week.


Unfortunately, due to ongoing COVID restrictions and risk assessment constraints at the swimming pool, not all children will be able to take part in sessions, due to significant restrictions on numbers.  As a result, schools who are accessing swimming provision this term need to prioritise those children with little or no swimming ability.  When children in the selected year groups are offered a place to go swimming, children remaining in school will take part in PE lessons.


We hope you understand the COVID restraints and the reasons behind these decisions.  Those who have been selected to go swimming will be contacted in due course.  In Year 5, Y5Le children have been given priority, as they were not able to access their full planned swimming programme in Year 4. 


Thank you

Mrs Cunningham

PE Leader


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