You will no doubt remember our little boy Frank from Reception class, who I wrote to you about recently. I shared with you that we were going to be developing our outside spaces in memory of Frank and that we would do it all as a surprise for our children. Frank absolutely olved being outside…
Read MoreCatering Services are moving away from Joinos as the method of parents paying for school lunches. From Monday 10th May 2021 they will be moving to Parentpay. North Tyneside Council’s school meals team will be contacting you soon by e-mail to ask you to set up a new ParentPay account for school meals when the…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, It has been lovely to see all of our children return to school after their Easter holidays, for what we very much hope will be a positive term of happiness and sunshine for us all! It can only be a positive for all of us that COVID restriction changes and vaccine rollout…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As you know, swimming lessons in school have been disrupted both this and last academic year due to COVID, affecting two year groups. We have just been informed that swimming sessions can resume shortly in a phased approach. Whilst most schools are not offering this until September onwards, we are…
Read MoreThe Holiday Activity Fund is a national offer for children and young people to provide enriching experiences and food outside of term time. As part of the Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF), North Tyneside Council has received funding from the Department for Education to deliver a summer activity programme and we would like to…
Read MoreThe Staffing and Finance Committee met virtually before the Easter break to discuss all aspects of Staffing and Finance. We discussed at length the schools Covid Catch Up Plan. Governors approved of the detailed and thorough plan and felt it carefully considered the needs of the pupils. All schools receive funding to support pupils who…
Read MoreAs you are aware the government have released funding to support parents of children eligible for benefits related Free School Meals (FSM) with the purchase of school uniform. We are pleased to update you and to let you know that the supermarket gift cards have now arrived in school. We will be sending them home…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view a copy of the Out of School Club Easter Holiday Activity Programme: King Edward Out of School Club Easter Holiday Activity Programme 2021
Read MoreDear parent /carer We are pleased to confirm that we are able to open OOSC for the majority of the Easter Holidays. We will be open Monday 29th March to Thursday 1st April and Tuesday 6th April to Thursday 8th April. We are sadly unable to open on Friday 9th April due to low uptake…
Read MoreAs you will remember the COVID Winter Grant was given to all families who are in receipt of benefit related free school meals to purchase food during the school holidays. The £60 payment for this financial year covered Christmas, February half term and the first week of Easter holidays. We have now been informed by…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers RE: NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. online programme I am pleased to tell you that this term we will be participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. online programme. This consists of an online assembly and supporting classroom based activities. Speak out. Stay safe. is a safeguarding programme…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, As you know we have been celebrating children’s birthdays in school this academic year as we are conscious that many of our children have missed out on their usual birthday celebrations. Next week we will be hosting small parties in bubbles to celebrate all of the birthdays that have been…
Read MoreDear parent /carer OOSC is planning to be open during the Easter holidays; Monday 29th March to Friday 9th April (closed for Good Friday and Easter Monday). Uptake is currently very low. If numbers do not increase, we will have no choice but to close during the holidays. If you would like your…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As different types of testing are now available to the public, we thought it would be helpful to clarify which type of test to take in which situation. We ask that all parents / carers read the below information carefully. PCR Test (Polymerase Chain Reaction Test) – This is…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, Following the decision made at our Staffing and Finance committee last week about Friday afternoon childcare, I have had some feedback and some questions. I thought it would be useful to share some information with you all. The reason for children going home at lunchtime on a Friday COVID…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Red Nose Day is back on Friday 19th March and this year it’s never felt more important to have some fun and support people living incredibly tough lives. We need the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change! Red Nose Day is part of the charity, Comic…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, This has been an emotional week. Monday started with the joy and pleasure of having all of our children back in school together. This is something that we have all looked forward to since the lockdown in January, which happened with immediate effect for us all. It has been a…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As you know, our timetabled teaching week has been organised differently since September 2020. While the change was necessitated by COVID restrictions, it has had a myriad of benefits for our school and children as communicated to families back in July. This organisational change involved changes to the start…
Read MoreDear parent /carer We are planning to open our OOSC during the Easter holidays. We will be open Monday 29th March to Friday 9th April (closed for Good Friday and Easter Monday). We are open for our full day rate only from 7.30am-5.30pm. As the club will need to be staffed consistently throughout the…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view a letter from Diane Buckle, Assistant Director, Education regarding the reopening of schools. Letter from Diane Buckle, Assistant Director, Education regarding reopening of schools
Read MoreDear parents and carers, It has been a wonderful day having everyone back in school together, long may it last! I hope that you have had a good day knowing that your children are all back in school! It has been amazing to see and hear a school full of happy children. We have…
Read MoreDear parent / carer You may or may not be aware that sadly, one of our Reception children died very suddenly in December. Frank was an amazing little boy who enjoyed every moment of his time in our Nursery and Reception. He was full of life, bubble and energy and we were devastated to be…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As you know, our Out of School Club (OOSC) will be open from Monday 8th March in line with all children returning to school. We are very pleased that we are once again able to offer this important and valued service to our families. We will organise the club in…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Following the annual review of school uniform prices, Governors of the Staffing and Finance Committee have agreed some changes to our uniform prices. These changes will come into effect for any uniform purchased on or after April 1st 2021. The change in uniform prices directly reflect the costs we…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, As we prepare to welcome your child back on Monday 8th March, we understand that this is once again another change for you and your child. The past year has been very different from any other time we’ve known. For everyone, there has been a lot of change and we are…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As you may have heard in the media, access to testing is being introduced for households and support/childcare bubbles containing primary and secondary school age children. Testing was made available as of March 1st 2021. This is optional testing being rolled out by the Government. We are sharing this…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Following the annual review of Out of School Club fees, Governors of the Staffing and Finance Committee have agreed to freeze the majority of fees for this financial year. We are pleased to share that our OOSC rates continue to be incredibly competitive with other local providers. The only…
Read MoreDear parent/carer Myself and the Governors of the Staffing and Finance committee feel that it is important that parents have some context of OOSC’s current financial position. As many of you are probably already aware, our OOSC is a separate organisation within school with its own discrete budget. Much like a private business,…
Read MoreWith all children returning to school on Monday 8th March 2021, please click on the link below for an overview of how school will be organised. Covid 19 Parent-School Agreement – March 2021
Read MoreDear parent / carer It may be a lockdown but we are very much looking forward to celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 4th March as part of our annual Book Week in school. As usual we are planning to spend lots of time in book-related activities with your children, and although the…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, We were over the moon on Monday night when we heard the news that all of our children can return to school again on Monday 8th March. We simply cannot wait! Please tell all of your children how very excited we all are! All children in all year groups can return as normal…
Read MoreThe Staffing and Finance Committee held a virtual meeting on Friday 12th February. The committee continues to meet half termly to discuss matters associated with Staffing and Finance. Due to current restrictions the committee meets virtually and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. One of the key recurring issues for discussion…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view an important letter from North Tyneside Council regarding COVID reporting for February Half Term. Thank you COVID – Letter from North Tyneside Council Contact with School During February Half Term
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view a letter from Diane Buckle – Assistant Director for Education. Letter from Diane Buckle – Assistant Director for Education
Read MoreAnother (virtual) Premises and Pupil Safety Committee meeting was held on Friday 5th February 2021 during which we reviewed and ratified a number of key health and safety policies, the procedure for storing EPI / Jext pens, as well as the continually updated school Covid-19 Risk Assessment. The termly review of the accident reports…
Read MoreIf your child is at home accessing remote learning, please click on the link: Phone Calls for Remote Learning Google Form and complete the online google form. Thank you
Read MoreDear parent / carer We have planned for our OOSC to be open over February half term. However, numbers are currently below the threshold at which we can feasibly open. If you would like to book into OOSC, please do so by 12.00pm on Monday 8th February. If we still do not…
Read MoreDear Parents/Carers, Thank you to all of you who have been sharing books and reading regularly with your children. We all know this is one of the most important things you can do to help your child. We realise it is difficult for some children, at home, as they don’t have the ability to…
Read MoreWe are currently having technical difficulties with our telephone lines. If you need to contact school urgently, please email school: and we will reply as soon as we can. We will inform everyone once the telephone lines are back up and running. Thank you
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