Whole school update from Kate Byrne

By Kate Byrne | June 17, 2020

Dear parents/carers,   I thought it would be helpful to write with some updates.  So much has changed since we were all physically together as a school community.  It saddens me enormously that it is 3 months today that I made the difficult decision to send children home.  It saddens me further to think that…

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Exciting news for Year 5! Back to school on Monday!!

By Kate Byrne | June 16, 2020

Dear parents and carers,   I am over the moon to say that reopening our school site to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 has gone extremely smoothly.  It has been wonderful to see so many of our children back in school.   As it has gone so smoothly, I am writing to offer Year 5…

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Key worker childcare update

By Kate Byrne | June 16, 2020

Dear parents/carers,   I am writing to update you about a decision which has been made, in our Governing Body Committee meeting on Friday.  As you will know, we have been providing key worker childcare since Monday 23rd March.  At the same time, our staff have been providing remote learning and now, in addition, around…

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Stay Safe Speak Out Assembly with Ant and Dec and the NSPCC

By Linn Hoggins | June 9, 2020

Ant and Dec have teamed up with the NSPCC to do a Stay Safe Speak Out Assembly, please click on the link below. NSPCC Virtual Assembly with Ant and Dec

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Children wishing to return on-site next week

By Kate Byrne | June 4, 2020

Update As you can imagine, we have been incredibly busy making sure that the necessary detailed plans are in place for more children and staff to return on-site from Monday.   Reception and Year 6 return on Monday 8th June Year 1 return on Wednesday 10th June   ONLY CHILDREN WHO BOOKED A PLACE CAN…

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Childcare ‘bubbles’

By Kate Byrne | May 29, 2020

Since our childcare was initially set up, a range of guidance and information has been coming into schools for us to work through.    Last week we organised our returning R, Y1 and Y6 children into ‘bubbles’. This means that when these children return to being on-site, they will always be with the same small…

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Important update for all parents and carers

By Kate Byrne | May 21, 2020

Dear parents and carers,   I thought I’d give you a brief update about the possibility of schools beginning to welcome children back on-site.  Since the announcement was made asking schools to begin to plan, we have been very busy.  I have been working through lengthy and ever-changing detailed guidance and contacting parents of children…

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Healthy Living Week – Half Term Activity Timetable – May 2020

By Linn Hoggins | May 21, 2020

Hello! With half term just around the corner, we would like to share a potential activity document produced by the North Tyneside PE team which you may choose to use next week. We thought that it would be particularly relevant as we would ordinarily be enjoying Healthy Living Week at this time of year. There…

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Y6 Leavers

By Kate Byrne | May 15, 2020

Hello everyone!   As I’m sure you know, the last few weeks have been very challenging.  Then this last week has been full of new and difficult challenges.  They just keep coming!     Having now pulled a draft plan together as the Government has asked me to do, on to the excitement of Year 6…

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Opening to Government identified year groups 

By Kate Byrne | May 14, 2020

(Draft plan until the end of the summer term and based on the new DfE guidance)   Remote learning School remains open to all children for remote learning.  It is essential to all of our children.       Uniform- Children attending on-site will wear school uniform.  This is to help our children to return to…

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Partial opening of the site until the summer holidays

By Kate Byrne | May 14, 2020

We have been asked by the Government to make plans to begin to welcome children back on-site from 1st June, should it be safe to do so.  We need to go slowly, taking baby steps.  We must find safe ways of working.  The plan is based on the numbers of children we can safely do…

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On-site provision for children

By Kate Byrne | May 13, 2020

Government announcement and school response   You will no doubt be aware of the Prime Minsister’s speech on Sunday night, asking schools to begin to think about children coming back to school sites.  As a head teacher, I appeciate the need for schools to begin to take children back on site. I support the decision,…

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Just to make all of our families smile!

By Kate Byrne | May 10, 2020

It’s a little while since we saw each other ‘face to face’, hopefully not much longer.  But I thought this would make you all smile!  Show it to your children and let us know who you think you spot!!!   Click on this link to have some fun!   We’re missing you all! Kate Byrne

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Welcome to Reception class 2020- new starters from Nursery!!

By Kate Byrne | May 7, 2020

Dear New Reception parent/carer,   Welcome to Reception class!  We are thrilled that you and your child are going to continue your journey with us at King Edward Primary School!  As you will already know, the Local Education Authority has informed me that your child is due to join our Reception year at King Edward…

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Welcome to our new Reception class families from outside of our Nursery

By Kate Byrne | May 7, 2020

Dear New Reception parent/carer,   Welcome to King Edward Primary School!  As you will already know, the Local Education Authority has informed me that your child is due to join our Reception year at King Edward Primary School in September 2020.  On behalf of the staff, Governors and children, I would like to welcome you…

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Letter from Kate Byrne

By Kate Byrne | May 7, 2020

Dear parents and carers, Firstly and MOST importantly, please tell ALL of your children that I’m thinking about them, that I am missing them and that I’ve said a great big hello to them all!   I just thought that as we are arriving at VE day and this special holiday weekend, that I would…

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Childcare booking for key workers

By Sarah Parnaby | April 27, 2020

Dear parents/carers, We are now a few weeks into our childcare offer for key workers.  At the end of last week we reviewed our childcare system.  This was for a number of reasons, including parents/carers booking in at extremely short notice.  We also considered a range of other things, like health and safety factors for…

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Update on missing FSM E-codes

By Sarah Parnaby | April 23, 2020

Update on Edenred FSM E-code vouchers I thought it would be useful to you to give you the very latest update on your outstanding E-codes.  We very much appreciate that these are much needed by you and your children.  I can assure you that Mrs Hoggins and I have worked tirelessly since they were first…

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Allocation of ‘vouchers’ for benefit-related FSM children

By Sarah Parnaby | April 21, 2020

Dear parent/carer, We have been able to confirm that your child is eligible for vouchers for food, while they cannot access Free School Meals (FSM) in school.  Can we politely remind you that these are to be spent on food for your children.   How is it organised? A company called Edenred is being used…

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Welcome to our new Reception children and families!!

By Sarah Parnaby | April 17, 2020

Welcome to our new Reception children and families!  At this time of year we are usually very busy contacting and welcoming our new children and families, who are joining us in Reception class in September. If you are currently in our Nursery, as most of you are, then we are over the moon that you…

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New Nursery children and places for September

By Sarah Parnaby | April 17, 2020

At this time of year we are usually very busy welcoming new Nursery starters after the Easter holidays and contacting other families about Nursery and KEEP places for September. If your child is due to start in our Nursery/KEEP for the first time this coming week We will be contacting you early this week to…

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Update on school meals and vouchers

By Sarah Parnaby | April 17, 2020

Familes that are eligible for benefits-related free school meals (FSM) Thank you to those of you who have already completed the survey yesterday, to let us know that you believe you are eligible for vouchers.  This is enabling us to check and confirm who we can generate vouchers for.  Can I remind you to complete…

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Benefit-related Free School Meals – Voucher system

By Sarah Parnaby | April 16, 2020

Update on FSM vouchers We have finally been given access to the online voucher system, which has taken more than 2 weeks and a great deal of frustration, time and effort. We will send out information next week to those that are eligible. This will explain how the scheme is set up, how it will…

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Access to IT Home Learning

By Sarah Parnaby | April 15, 2020

Dear parent/carer, At this difficult time when your children are being asked to access learning at home, we realise that most of this learning is done online, and that some families may not have access to the technology. Smartphones are great for many simple tasks but they can make other tasks difficult or impossible in…

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End of Spring Term Letter

By Sarah Parnaby | April 3, 2020

Dear parents and carers, So tonight marks the end of the Spring term.  The strangest Spring term any of us have ever experienced.  These are very challenging times and the important thing to remember is to be kind to each other and kind to ourselves.  Don’t forget to take time to stop and enjoy your…

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Free School Meal Voucher Scheme

By Sarah Parnaby | April 1, 2020

Dear Parent/Carer, We finally received clarity from the Government regarding the publicised Free School Meals voucher scheme.   We have also contacted the Local Authority for some further guidance about their approach.   Over Easter Packed lunches will continue to be available over the Easter holidays, should you wish to collect them. After Easter Who will…

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Childcare Arrangements Easter Holidays

By Sarah Parnaby | April 1, 2020

Dear parent / carer Childcare offer to key workers We are currently offering child care to our key worker families.  We propose to continue to offer this both during the Easter holidays and afterwards, for as long as school is closed, as long as we can staff it.   The hours will remain as 9.00am –…

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An update from Miss Byrne

By Sarah Parnaby | March 25, 2020

Dear parents and carers, I just thought I’d keep in touch with you all and drop you a quick message. Care and kindness I hope you are all managing and coping, especially given the news on Monday night.  Life has certainly changed immeasurably in an incredibly short space of time. But we all just need…

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Google Classroom Parent / Pupil Guide

By Sarah Parnaby | March 25, 2020

Dear parent / carer To help your child make the most of their learning experience on Google Classroom, I have created a brief user guide for parents and pupils. Please click here to access the guide. Thank you Mrs Farrell

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Suggested Daily Timetable

By Sarah Parnaby | March 24, 2020

Dear parent / carer We appreciate that in these challenging times, day to day routines are inevitably going to change. We have created a suggested timetable to provide a temporary routine which is structured in a similar pattern to a normal school day. However, this example timetable is only a guide which you may choose…

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Guidance on Using Seesaw

By Sarah Parnaby | March 23, 2020

Dear parent / carer We are delighted that so many of you have been able to get started with Seesaw as a means of staying in touch. Like us, your children will want to stay in contact with their friends and (maybe!) school staff. As with any other online resource, it is essential that Seesaw…

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Essential Childcare for Key Workers

By Sarah Parnaby | March 20, 2020

Dear parent / carer If you are a key worker and have absolutely NO OTHER option for childcare, please read the following information carefully. If you have read the information and there is no other option for childcare and there is no-one in the household who is able to work from home, then please complete…

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Arrangements for Free School Meals

By Sarah Parnaby | March 20, 2020

Dear parent / carer If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, please click this link. Thank you.

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Letter from the Local Autority

By Sarah Parnaby | March 20, 2020

Dear parent / carers Please click here to see an important letter from the Local Authority regarding Coronavirus, protecting the vulnerable and our NHS.

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Reception Reading

By Sarah Parnaby | March 19, 2020

Hello everybody,  We hope that you are enjoying the challenges that we have set and that the children are really impressing you with their hard work. Whilst we can set a lot of what we’d like the children to do through Tapestry, we can’t update and change reading books. However, Oxford Owl have provided access…

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EYFS Learning

By Sarah Parnaby | March 19, 2020

Good afternoon,  We hope that you’ve had a nice day. As you know, we have been finalising ways of sharing learning with children and certain ways are more suitable for different age groups.  We are incredibly lucky that within EYFS we have an established way of sharing learning between home and school through Tapestry. This…

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Learning Organisation

By Sarah Parnaby | March 19, 2020

Dear parents and carers, Here is an overview of how learning has been organised for you and your children.  As you will have seen from the announcements last night, all schools have now been closed indefinitely.   Impact of the announcements last night We watched the announcements live last night as you did.  We are still…

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Communication with the staff team

By Sarah Parnaby | March 18, 2020

Dear parents and carers, We would like to share with you our plans for accessing both learning and family support for you and your child, while we are not able to provide face-to-face learning.  Our message to you and your children is absolutely that learning continues and that it’s an exciting new adventure for us…

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Websites for Learning from Home

By Sarah Parnaby | March 18, 2020

As you know, we are currently working hard to set up some great learning opportunities for your children to access from home.  In the meantime, we have created a list of websites that your children can sink their teeth into straight away. Click here to view the website list. Keep an eye on your School…

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Next Steps for School Closure

By Sarah Parnaby | March 17, 2020

Dear parents and carers, We thought it would be helpful to share some more detailed information with you. How will we communicate with you once our school is closed? We will continue to communicate with you all using our current well established methods. This includes using Facebook, Twitter, our website and our School Gateway/ texting…

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