So two more sleeps before our amazing Year 6 children leave us for their next adventures! We very much hope that they are having a lovely last week and are all enjoing the different things that are happening this week. Pizzas tomorrow As the children are due to have pizzas and ice cream tomorrow,…
Read MoreDear parents / carers We are pleased to say that our school lunch menu will return in full from September! Children will have an option of a hot main (meat or vegetarian), jacket potato or choice of sandwiches. A salad bar is available to accompany main meals and children will also be given a choice of dessert…
Read MoreTo celebrate the end of this term we have arranged for the Giant Inflatable Assault course for all children in Reception to Year 6. Children can wear red, white & blue, sports clothes or PE Kit on the Monday. A voluntary contribution of £1.00 would be appreciated. You can donate on the school gateway app,…
Read MoreDear Parent/Carer We would welcome any donations of clean, washed out grown school uniform and PE Kit any donations of tinned food, pasta, tooth paste, soap etc Some families within our school community are under great financial pressure during these challenging times. Any items of school clothing and food would be greatly appreciated…
Read MoreDear Parents and Carers, We are delighted to inform you that the children in Reception and Year One will have a transition day on Friday 9th July. We had intended this to be a whole school event but due to bubble closures this won’t be possible for all children this Friday. We hope…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, As you know the last few months have been testing times for many of us and unfortunately lots of our children have missed out on so much due to the local lockdowns and restrictions. As a school, we are conscious that many of our children have missed out on celebrating…
Read MoreYear 1 children have come up with the idea for all children in school and at home self isolating to wear Red, White, Blue to celebrate the England football team being in the semi-finals on Wednesday 7th July 2021. We will be posting pictures from children wearing red, white, blue in school and would…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view an information leaflet regarding PREVENT. Prevent is about working together to safeguard and support those vulnerable to radicalisation. Prevent Information Leaflet
Read MoreDear parents and carers, For children who are currently isolating in Year 3 and Year 6 due to school bubble closures Like almost every school in North Tyneside, we currently have a number of children and staff who are unfortunately having to isolate. If your child is currently isolating, PHE has asked for…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Bubble isolation and remote learning You will have received a text explaining that there has been a positive case of COVID effecting your child’s bubble and informing you that your child needs to isolate. The text will have told you how long your child has to isolate for. Your child MUST…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, North Tyneside currently has a significant increase in COVID cases. It has just been announced that there are almost double the number of COVID cases than last week. Thank you SO much to the overwhelming majority of parents and carers whose children are isolating, who have followed PHE advice to…
Read MoreEveryone who is eligible who has not yet had their first vaccine is urged to book as soon as possible. Thousands of appointments are available in community locations across North Tynesdie. For more information please click on the link below: COVID-19 Vaccination Services in North Tyneside – How to Book an Appointment
Read MoreDear parent / carer Bubble isolation and remote learning You will have received a text explaining that there has been a positive case of COVID effecting your child’s bubble and informing you that your child needs to isolate. The text will have told you how long your child has to isolate for. Your child MUST…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, For children who are currently isolating due to school bubble closures Like almost every school in North Tyneside, we currently have a number of children and staff who are unfortunately having to isolate. As you will know if your child is currently isolating, PHE has asked for all of…
Read MoreDear parent / carer In preparation for next academic year, we will give each year group a dedicated time at which you can buy uniform. Please plan ahead for any uniform you may need at the start of the next academic year. To limit numbers on site and adhere to social distancing guidelines,…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Bubble isolation and remote learning You will have received a text explaining that there has been a positive case of COVID in Year 4 and informing you that your child needs to isolate. The text will have told you how long your child has to isolate for. Your child MUST NOT…
Read MoreWe have lots of exciting activities planned for this Summer in our Out of School Club including Summer Arts & Crafts, Fish Quay Beach Visit, day out at Jungle Wipeout, home baking, various sports and much much more, please click on the link: OOSC Summer Activities Planner Spaces are limited so book early, bookings can…
Read MoreDear Year 1 Parents/Carers We have been asked to complete an Active Lives Survey by Sports England. The research will help increase the understanding of how children and young people engage with sport and physical activity. This will provide Sport England, the Government and other partners with a deeper and richer understanding of youngsters’ participation…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, I am writing to express my extreme concern and also to update you on the Year 5 PCR COVID test results. Y5 children and families choosing to ignore the direction to isolate We are aware as a school and have also been contacted and informed that not all Year…
Read MoreDear parent /carer Booking for OOSC this summer is now open! We are currently planning lots of exciting and fun activities for over the summer which we will share with you in the near future! The club will be open from Monday 19th July to Friday 3rd September (closed bank holiday Monday 30th…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, We are over the moon to let you know that your child can stop isolating and return to school a day earlier than we originally told you. This is due to updated confirmation from PHE, based on when symptoms started in the positive case in Y5. Therefore your children need to isolate…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, I sent some brief information out to you earlier today, in order to update you at the earliest opportunity. As it was the weekend I was out with my family. Now I am back at home with full IT access, I thought it would be useful to give you more…
Read MoreHH Sports Coaching with coach Harry Hoggins is running a 3 week multi sports camp at King Edward Primary School for children aged 7 to 11. Cost is £15 per session. Week commencing: Monday 19th July, Tuesday 20th July & Wednesday 21st July Monday 26th July, Tuesday 27th July & Wednesday 28th July Monday 2nd…
Read MoreOn Friday 18th June Year 5 will be watching ‘Alright Charlie’ as part of their Safe Relationships topic in RSE. This is an important aspect of safeguarding our children our children, especially as they are online a lot more often. If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Year 5 team (…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, I am writing to you about school meals, as a result of some ongoing issues which we are experiencing. A number of you have also contacted us to ask questions or to raise concerns, so I felt it was helpful to write to you all. As a school we…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, With just the rest of this half term left before the end of the school year we are obviously working hard thinking about and preparing for September. A challenge to this preparation is that we do not yet know what revised guidance for schools may say after potential national…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, It was a difficult few weeks before half term, with an increase of COVID cases in North Tyneside. This resulted in a request for mass testing in Y2 by Public Health England and surge testing across North Tyneside. A number of local schools closed to many year groups and one…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Our very own Nigel is one year old today! I am the first person to admit that I was sceptical about the idea of a school dog. Having been afraid of dogs myself since I was little, I didn’t see how a dog could fit into our school community. …
Read MoreDear parent / carer Our school kitchen will be closed again tomorrow (Wednesday 26th May) due to a potential case of COVID among the kitchen staff. A packed lunch will be provided for all children eligible for Free School Meals (both universal and benefits related). All other children must come to school with a packed…
Read MoreThank you to all our families who kindly contributed to our fundraising in memory of Frank, we managed to raise an amazing £2664.35 for Neuroblastoma UK. Please click on the link below to view a thank you letter from Neuroblastoma UK: Thank you letter from Neuroblastoma UK
Read MoreDear parent / carer There is a significant increase in positive COVID cases in our area of North Tyneside. This includes children who are asymptomatic. Even if you are well, please consider accessing the LA surge testing this weekend as a precaution. This will help reduce further spread across North Tyneside. Please CLICK HERE to…
Read MoreIf you require out of school club at May half term, please book by Friday 21st May, if we do not receive enough bookings, we may need to cancel some sessions. We have lots of fun activities planned, please click on the link: King Edward Out of School Club May Half Term Holiday Activity Programme 2021…
Read MoreAs part of Healthy Living Week we should encourage our children to travel actively to school each day by walking, cycling and scooting. As well as helping to keep everyone healthier it will also make school safer for all our children’s by keeping cars away from the school gates and will reduce pollution around school…
Read MoreDear parent / carer As you may already be aware, some national COVID restrictions are set to ease on Monday 17th May. As a result, we are also able to change some of the rules we have in place as a school. However, many restrictions remain in place for the moment in line with…
Read MoreDear parent /carer We are pleased to confirm that we are able to open OOSC for the May half term holidays. We will be open Tuesday 1st June 2021 to Friday 4th June 2021. If you would like to book a place, you can do so in the Gateway app up to five days in…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Bubble isolation and remote learning You will have received a text explaining that there has been a positive case of COVID in Year 2 and informing you that your child needs to isolate. The text will have told you how long your child has to isolate for. Your child MUST NOT…
Read MoreDear parent / carer The school photographer, Rose and Sons, is due to be in school on Monday 10th May 2021. All children in school will have their individual school photo taken during the school day. Children will not have sibling photos taken as we are unable to coordinate this under present COVID restrictions. All…
Read MoreHealthy Living Week will be held the week beginning Monday 24th May, we are planning lots of fun activities and events for our children to enjoy which promote the importance to our health and well being of being active and having a healthy, balanced diet. As there are still social distancing restrictions sports day will have to be…
Read MoreIn less than 10 teaching weeks we will be saying goodbye to our Year 6 children, as they move on to the excitement of High School. They have coped fantastically well as a year group with the many challenges that COVID has brought to them in their last two school years here. Despite COVID constraints…
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