Dear Parent/Guardian, Every year we collect information on the health of peoples’ teeth as part of the dental survey. The information helps to plan NHS dental services in your area. This year the survey will collect information about the health of the teeth of children in year 6. Your child’s school is taking part in…
Read MoreSchool has had a visit today from the North Tyneside Council Dog Warden after recent complaints of dog fouling in the area. We have been told the dog warden will be doing some patrolling around school in the next couple of weeks. Parents are reminded that if they are taking their dogs on the…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, It’s almost the end of what has been an exceptionally long term. By the time we get to our last day, on the 23rd of December, we will all have managed 15 school weeks! Well done to all of us! It’s the longest term of the school year and we’ll all be…
Read MoreDear Parents and Carers We had an amazing rehearsal at Christ Church this morning! Can all children please wear their school uniform tonight. If children have made a Christingle could they please bring it along with them tonight. If your child has not made a Christingle do not worry as many of the…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Following on from last night’s post on Christmas Jumper Day, we would like to clarify a few points. National Christmas Jumper Day Due to popular demand, we will take part in National Christmas Jumper Day! This is on Thursday 8th December (not Friday 9th December as I incorrectly typed-apologies). …
Read MoreChildren are very welcome to come into school on Friday 9th December 2022 in a Christmas jumper or non uniform, as it is Christmas Jumper Day nationally. Please do not feel you need to go and buy a jumper, own clothes are also absolutely fine. But as it’s a national event we’d like to join…
Read MoreDear Parents and Carers, Important change to parking at the rugby club Our parents and carers are kindly allowed to park at the Rugby Club when dropping and collecting children. However, there has been a change at the rugby club. The rugby club is now leasing out some of its premises and the car park…
Read MoreA huge well done to all our raffle prize winners last night, if you have won a prize you can collect from the school office. If you have won the flowers you will need to collect tonight if possible. Thank you Prizes Winners: Hamper 1 – Pink – 771 – 775 Hamper 2 – White…
Read MoreDear parents / carers, Several parents have requested additional maths materials to complete at home. On Google Classroom under ‘Revision’ are some documents which include a revision section with examples and questions. Please feel free to download / print the materials to complete with your child at home at their own pace. Please note there…
Read MoreWe still have tickets left for the Charity Fundraising Event which is at Percy Park Rugby Club, Tynemouth on Thursday 24th November 2022, tickets are £5 each or 2 for £8, you can also buy tickets on the night. Doors open at 7.30pm. We have a HUGE!!! amount of prizes for the raffle, tickets…
Read MoreActive North Tyneside have a free Mini Movers Group at The Parks Sports Centre every Thursday for children ages 2-4, 1.30pm – 2.30pm. Fore more information, please click the link: Mini Movers 2022
Read MoreNext week sees the return of the Scholastic Book Fair. We are delighted to be able – at long last – to welcome back parents and carers to an on site book fair! If you would like to visit the book fair and purchase a book, please come along to the community room (access via sliding…
Read MoreDear Parents/Carers, We would like to invite you and your child to a meeting regarding the Year 6 residential trip to the High Borrans activity centre in May 2023. The meeting will take place on Monday 16th January 2023 at 5 p.m. in our main hall. We will look at some slides of High Borrans…
Read MoreDear parent / carers Thank you to all parents who put themselves forward for the role of parent governor and the time and effort invested during the application process. Thank you also to all parents who took the time to vote. The interest and support you have shown is very much appreicated. Voting closed at…
Read MoreDear Parents and Carers, We are writing to you as concerned members of the King Edward Eco-Team. We want to keep cars away from the school. We want to try to scoot, cycle and walk to school to get more exercise, or park cars away from school and walk the last part of…
Read More“Heat” or “Eat” is a real choice for so many families this winter. Christmas is something some families simply can’t afford. Mission Christmas is here to help Santa reach children living in poverty. Please click the link: Mission Christmas cashforkids for more information. If you are able to help, please click on the link: Welcome…
Read MoreDear parents/carers, We are very proud of all the children and the work they have completed so far this year on DoodleMaths. As mentioned in the launch letter sent at the beginning of the academic year, we strongly advocate a ‘little and often’ approach with children using the app for just 10 minutes a day…
Read MoreEvery week millions of children play football, many of them in organised clubs and organisations. As part of its safeguarding response, the Football Association has created a safeguarding course for parents. The course is designed to help parents make informed choices about the football settings where they enrol their children. The course helps parents recognise…
Read MoreAnti-Bullying week takes place from Monday 14th to Friday 18th November and the theme this year is ‘Reach Out’. This event offers a great opportunity to further promote the importance of kindness and positive relationships which are always celebrated and embraced at King Edward Primary School. We will be marking Anti-Bullying week with a variety…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Thank you to all parents who applied or expressed an interest in the Parent Governor vacancy. We are extremely grateful for the level of support you have shown to school and are thrilled to announce we have received a number of applications! As a result, we are now holding an…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, We are excited to be taking part in the England Rocks competition hosted by Times Table Rock Stars! The competition runs from 07:30 GMT Monday 14th November to 19:30 GMT Wednesday 16th November and is all done online via Children can play in any gamemode with every correct answer to a…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, A Charity Fundraiser Event We are writing to invite you to A Charity Fundraiser Event that we are hosting on the evening of Thursday 24th November at Percy Park Rugby Club. The evening will run from 7.30pm to 10.30pm and will include a bar, entertainment and raffle. As many of you…
Read MoreAbout free school meals: You are eligible for free school meals if you receive any of the following benefits, even if your child is in Reception to Year 2 and they receive Universal Free School Meals, please still apply: * income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance * income-related Employment and Support Allowance * support under Part VI of…
Read MoreChildren in Year 3 have previously been entitled to universal free school meals from Reception to Year 2 which have now stopped since they started Year 3, to encourage more children to try the tasty new menu, Caterlink are offering all children in Year 3 a free school lunch for 2 weeks starting from next…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Although some may think it’s too early to start thinking about Christmas, we want to share our plans with you to make the season merry! Please read below to see what we have in store to get our children, staff and parents in the holiday spirit. Christmas Dinner Christmas Dinner Day…
Read MoreDear parent / carers As part of the Year 6 RSE curriculum, the children learn about the many changes that occur in life. One of the objectives in the curriculum is discussing the feelings that can occur as a result of death and the strategies that can help an individual to cope with grief. On…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Following a review of site access, we have made some changes to site during OOSC holiday club. The external OOSC gate will be locked after all children are on site. The gate will be reopened for collection time. If you require access out of these hours, or need to pick your…
Read MoreWith October half term round the corner, lots of restaurants have announced that kids will eat free (or for £1) over the week off: Kids eat for £1 all day with no adult spend at Asda Café Two children under 16 can get a free breakfast every day at Beefeater and Brewers Fayre with one paying adult Tesco…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Your children have been very busy creating beautiful Christmas card designs! These can be turned into Christmas cards, poster calendars, mugs, gift labels and tea towels for you to purchase. £1 from the sale of each product goes straight back to school funds to subsidise fun events and activities such…
Read MoreDear parent /carer To show our support for ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ we will be having a a non uniform and wear red day in school on Friday 21st October 2022 wearing non-uniform and something red. We are not asking for a donation on this occasion but are asking children to wear red…
Read MoreDear parents / carers We are pleased to announce we will be hosting Halloween Discos for children in Reception to Year 6! These will all be held after school on Monday 31st October. Children should wear party clothes / halloween costumes / fancy dress but will not be allowed to wear costumes with a…
Read MoreDear parents / carers The Full Governing Body met virtually on Monday 26th September, as usual attendance was good and Miss Byrne provided governors with a thorough review of the start of term alongside sharing priorities for the coming academic year. Undoubtedly, KEPS continues to provide a high quality of education for the children and this was reflected…
Read MoreDear parents / carers The Governing Body currently has one vacancy for a parent governor. Parents have an important role to play in the education of children and being a parent governor can give you an opportunity to contribute to the education of all children at our school. Training and support for parent…
Read MoreHH Sports Coaching with Harry Hoggins is hosting a 3 day Multi Sports Camp during the October Half Term at King Edward Primary School on Monday 24th October, Tuesday 25th October and Wednesday 26th October 2021. To book a place, scan the QR code below or click on the link: HH Sports Coaching October Camp…
Read MoreTo celebrate Harvest Festival on Thursday 13th October 2022 Year 5 are hosting their annual Harvest Assembly. Year 5 parents/carers are welcome to come along to the assembly in the downstairs hall via the main school entrance, doors will open after 9.05am to allow children to come into school. We will be collecting products for…
Read MorePlease click on the links below to view the Autumn Term Class Newsletters: Nursery Newsletter KEEP Newsletter Reception Newsletter Year 1 Newsletter Year 2 Newsletter Year 3 Newsletter Year 4 Newsletter Year 5 Newsletter Year 6 Newsletter
Read MoreDear parents / carers As you know, Year 4 will have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit to Weardale Activity Centre next March! We very much hope that all children who want to will take up this amazing opportunity. Weardale Adventure Centre offers fun and learning in an area of…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, Firstly, thank you for your support in supporting your child’s start to Reception. The support that you give children at home is invaluable and by providing regular opportunities to read at home, you play a huge role in the progress that they make. We’re delighted to give you access…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Nursery/KEEP face to face Parents Evenings will be held on: Monday 10th October 2022 Thursday 13th October 2022 On Monday 10th October the Parents Evening appointments will be in the afternoon with Miss Owen and Mrs Henderson for children who attend both Nursery and the KEEP. On…
Read MoreDear parent / carer I am thrilled to inform you that Year 6 will have the opportunity to have a residential experience in 2023! Children will stay at High Borrans outdoor education centre near Windermere in the Lake District. The trip is planned for week commencing Monday 22nd May. As High Borrans cannot accommodate…
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