Please click on the links below to view some new dates for hubs running in North Tyneside and Newcastle for the following: Introduction to support autistic children Supporting the emotional wellbeing of autistic children North Tyneside Autism Hubs – May 2023 NEAS Autism Support Hub Newcastle – May 2023 Zoom webinars
Read MorePlease click on the links below to view the Class Newsletters for Summer Term 2023: Nursery Summer Term Class Newsletter The KEEP Summer Term Class Newsletter Reception Summer Term Class Newsletter Year 1 Summer Term Class Newsletter Year 2 Summer Term Class Newsletter Year 3 Summer Term Class Newsletter…
Read MoreDear Parents/Carers, Our Healthy Living week begins on Monday 22nd May until Friday 26th May. We have lots of fun activities planned for the children that week! As part of Healthy Living week and our school games award we would also like to collect some data/information on how active our children are and which clubs…
Read MoreJohn Spence Community High School are hosting a Mental Health and Wellbeing Fayre in partnership with @usActive on Wednesday 10th May 2023 at 5.00pm – 7.00pm in the main hall at John Spence Community High School. They have some fantastic informative stalls, wellbeing goodies and fun activities for people to take part in. Bring some…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, We’re really looking forward to our trip to Whitehouse Farm on Thursday next week and we’d like to share some reminders and a little more information. We’ll be leaving school at 9:30am prompt by coach and will return by 3:00pm so there will be no change to the beginning…
Read MoreDear parent / carer Can we remind all parents that you can no longer pay for meals using Caterlink’s Online Payment System. Instead, please pay using School Gateway. To pay for schools meals, go to: Home screen ‘Payments’ ‘School meals’ And follow the prompts to add credit to your child’s account Each time…
Read MoreDear parents / carers As we approach the High Borrans trip in May, we would like to share some further information with you about the trip. High Borrans permission form Your child will bring home a permission form with them tonight entitled ‘High Borrans Dietary, Medical & Contact Information Form – Under 18’s’. This form…
Read MoreThe Healthy4Life Programme is hosting a 10 week course in May, which helps support you and your family make healthy lifestyle changes together (sessions do not run during the half term holidays): Mini’s programme for ages 4-7 on a Tuesday at The Lakeside Centre, 4pm – 5.30pm. For more information please click the link:…
Read MoreDear parent / carer From the 1st April, we are taking our school meals provision in house. This means that we will be moving away from Caterlink and running our own catering service, without the restrictions imposed by an external company. We are very excited to be taking on this service and the added…
Read MoreDear parents / carers The cost of purchasing school uniform will increase from 1st April 2023. These prices have been agreed by governors and are a direct result of increased costs from our supplier. Sadly our supplier has seen increased costs over the past few years due to rising costs in their own…
Read MoreDear parent / carer We are holding two drop ins relating to our MAT consultation. If you have questions or comments that are not addressed by the MAT consultation site (available at this link), then please pop along and chat to us. Consultation drops ins will be held at the following times: Thursday…
Read MoreDear Year 4 Parent/Carer To conclude our topic of Ancient Greece, we are welcoming into school a special visitor ‘That History Bloke’. This will take place on Thursday 20th April 2023 and he will spend half a day with each class. To cover the cost of this exciting workshop we would like to…
Read MoreDear parents / carers OOSC booking is now open for Easter 2023! We are have a jam packed schedule of fun activites for the Easter weeks – CLICK HERE to find out more! The club will be open from 7.30am-5.30pm at a rate of £30 per day on the following dates: Monday 3rd April 2023…
Read MoreHH Sports Coaching with Harry Hoggins is hosting a 2 week – 3 day Multi Sports Camp during the Easter Holidays at King Edward Primary School: Week 1: Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th April 2023. Week 2: Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th April 2023. To book a place, scan the QR…
Read MoreOur ‘Gadget Shop’ is linked to aspects of the National Curriculum. Each experiment or activity is interactive and requires children to ‘do something scientific’. There will be a superb selection of child friendly science activities to excite young minds. Items at the ‘Gadget Shop’ are priced from £1.00 to £3.00 and the shop will…
Read MoreDear parent / carer, Next Tuesday, we celebrate a special day. You may or may not be aware that, sadly, one of our Reception children died very suddenly in December 2020. Frank had been previously diagnosed with neuroblastoma. Next Tuesday Frank would have been celebrating his 7th birthday. It is hugely important to us, Year…
Read MoreWe have been informed that there are cases of head lice in several year groups around school. Can we please ask parents to check their child’s hair on a regular basis and treat hair following the NHS guidelines below: NHS Inform Head Lice Guidance There is also a government / North Tyneside scheme…
Read MoreDear Parents/ Carers, On the 13th March 2023, British Science and STEM Week commences in the UK and we’d like you and your child, along with other pupils and staff from our school, to be involved. As a school we’re planning an exciting week of events and activities, one of which is the ‘Gadget…
Read MoreParents, guardians and members of the local community are welcome to attend our Science Fair to find out about their child’s learning in science. During the science fair samples of the children’s science work will be available and science ambassadors will be presenting their year groups learning. The science fair will be held in the…
Read MoreREMINDER Dear Parent/Carer Your child has been selected to take part in the North Shields Dance festival, which takes place on Tuesday 7th March 2023. The festival is a celebration of dance and the theme this year is `New Beginnings`. The dance festival is a brilliant night and you and members of your family are very welcome…
Read MorePlease click on the link below to view a press release that has been written about our school and our use of Doodle Maths!! Tyneside Primary School Announces Renewal of Multiyear Partnership Supporting Student Success in Maths
Read MoreDear parent / carer We have noticed a small number of children have been coming to school in incorrect uniform. Can we please remind you that all children should be in the correct school uniform each day as detailed below. PE uniform Children should come to school in their full school PE kit…
Read MoreDear parents and carers. When we return after the half-term break it is Book Week at KEPS. Your child will be taking part in lots of exciting book related activities and celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March, when they can come into school dressed as their favourite character from a book or an interesting…
Read MoreDear parent / carer We are making minor changes to the way you make your bookings for term time Out of School Club (OOSC) in School Gateway. From Monday 27th February, you can book the following clubs: OOSC Breakfast Club (combines OOSC Early Years Breakfast Club and OOSC Upper School Breakfast Club) OOSC…
Read MoreDear parents and carers, I wanted to update you on some positive changes that we have made during our latest INSET day. Over the coming weeks we will be working with our children across school to help them understand these changes and the reasons for them. Positive behaviour As of today we are…
Read MoreDear parents / carers As per our advance notification, parents evening will take place after school on Monday 13th February 2023 and Thursday 16th February 2023. About appointments Parents evening will be held in person in your child’s classroom with your child’s current Class Teacher. Appointments are 10 minutes long and Teachers will…
Read MoreDear parents / carers As you may know, there is National Teachers Strike action planned for Wednesday 1st February 2023. We have been working hard to manage the strike in a way that minimises the disruption to our families. This has caused an unavoidable delay in being able to update you with our plans. …
Read MoreHH Sports Coaching with Harry Hoggins is hosting a 3 day Multi Sports Camp during the February Half Term at King Edward Primary School on Monday 20th February, Tuesday 21st February and Wednesday 22nd February 2023. To book a place, scan the QR code below or click on the link: HH Sports Coaching October Camp…
Read MoreDear parents / carers As we approach the Weardale trip in March, we would like to share some further information with you about the trip. Weardale consent form Your child will bring home a consent form with them tonight entitled ‘Weardale Adventure Centre Personal Information & Consent Form. This form needs to be…
Read MoreDear Parents/Carers I am writing to let you know that Mrs Miller our Care, Guidance and Support Leader is going to be absent from Wednesday 18th January 2023, due to a planned minor operation. She will be absent until at least half term, pending the speed of her recovery. In her absence, please…
Read MoreDear Parents / Carers, We are excited for our children in Y1, Y2 and Y3 to be taking part in the DoodleMaths Back-to-School Competition. To take part the children need to be working in the green zone from 20th January – 2nd February. After the 2nd February, the percentage of students in each class who…
Read MoreDear Parents/Carers Children need to be safe both at school and at home, and online safety is crucial to that. At the start of each school year, all pupils are taught strategies to stay online safely through our computing curriculum. This is to help the children understand and be aware of how they can stay safe…
Read MoreDear parents / carers As you know, Year 6 will have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit to High Borrans this May! We very much hope that all children who want to will take up this amazing opportunity. High Borrans is an Outdoor Education centre near Windermere in the Lake…
Read MoreWe hope that you all have a special, happy and magical Christmas. We are all more than ready to enjoy this much deserved and precious time with family and friends. It has been an exceptionally long Autumn term, as it has been 15 weeks long! Thank you for all of your support with our…
Read MoreDear parent / carer For some time, the Government has been actively encouraging all schools to move towards becoming an academy. Although the Government direction for all schools to do so by 2030 has been removed, as a Governing Body, we feel that we want to be very much in control of our own destiny. There…
Read MoreDear parents/carers Several parents have requested additional spelling materials to complete at home. Please find on your child’s Google Classroom account two documents for revising common Year 6 spelling patterns. Please feel free to download/print the materials to complete with your child at home at their own pace. Please note there is no…
Read MoreDear Parents/Carers We would like to invite you and your child to a meeting regarding the Year 6 residential trip to the High Borrans activity centre in May 2023. The meeting will take place on Monday 16th January 2023 at 5pm in our main hall. We will look at some slides of High Borrans…
Read MoreStaying safe near frozen water: Coram Life Education have researched some resources that you might find useful for reminding your children how to stay safe near frozen water – lakes, canals, ponds etc. – following the tragic events in the news. Produced by the Royal Life Saving Society, these resources look…
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