September 2023!

Dear parents and carers,

We are nearly at the end of the school year, which means we are already working hard thinking about and preparing for September.  It has been great to revert back to normality this year and finally leave COVID behind us. 

I thought it would be helpful to send you some information so that you are all ready for the new school year.  For some of you, this will simply be some useful reminders. But if you have children moving up through school for the first time, some of this may be new to you.    

Start of the school day

Our Reception to Year 5 school day will continue to begin with a staggered start, 8.50am-9.00am.  It helps to provide a less stressful start to the day for children and families.  It also enables parents and carers to talk to members of the Senior Leadership Team in the yards every day.  

However, Year 6 children will continue to have a fixed start time of 8.50am.  It has worked well for our oldest children moving on to High School, as it ensures they are in a habit of having a fixed start time, which they will at High School.

End of the school day

The school day will end at the following times, which are also exactly the same as this year:

  • 3.15pm for Reception to Year 2 children
  • 3.20pm for Year 3 to Year 6 children

Please make sure your child's end of day collection arrangements are made before the start of the school day.  Our school office is very busy and we are not able to pass on changes to end of day arranagements during the school day except in an emergency.

The yards

We want to encourage Year 5 and Year 6 parents to remain off site at drop off and pick up time from September.  This helps support our older children to become more independent and high school ready. 

Can I also politely remind everyone that any dogs MUST be carried whilst in the school yard.  Unknown dogs can be frightening to our children and can also behave unpredictably.  Many thanks for your continued understanding with this. 

Please can you remind your children to come off their bikes or scooters once they enter the school yards.  Once in the yards children need to push their bikes/scooters to keep everyone safe.


On PE days our children should continue coming into school in their school PE kit.  Sports leggings are not acceptable as they are not part of our school PE kit. 

All children must be in full school uniform.   Please CLICK HERE for a reminder of the uniform before you start shopping for the new school term! 

  • A polite reminder please that leggings are also NOT part of our school uniform and are not acceptable school trousers. 
  • Black/navy skirts or trousers are not part of our uniform. 
  • Navy jumpers and cardigans are not part of our uniform.
  • We ask our children to wear black shoes please.

Thank you for your support for the new school year.


If you are thinking about your child getting their ears pierced, then the very start of the school holidays is a good time.  Children must remove any earrings for PE for health and safety reasons and must be able to do this themselves.  Covering up any newly pierced ears is not an acceptable alternative.  So the six week summer break is a good chance to get this done.  Only one pair of small studs can be worn in school, this is again for health and safety reasons.

Classes, staffing and transition for September 

Your children are finding out today who their new teachers are for September.  We will share this information with you before home time today.

Almost all children in school will meet their new teachers on Tuesday the 4th of July.  It is a whole school transition day.  All children should come to school on that day in their school uniform (no PE kits).  They should come into school via their NEW school entrance for next year.  They will then spend the whole day (except current Nursery children) experiencing life in their next year group, so that they are ready for their first day in September!  One Year 2 class will be meeting their new teacher later that week, but they will still 'move up' for the day to their new classroom.  I will share this information with this class in advance.

Reception / Year 1 / Year 4 / 5T / Year 6 entrances are in the Key Stage One yard.

Year 2 / Year 3 / 5D entrances are in the Key Stage Two yard (next to the field).  Year 3 door will move next year to the door closest to Preston Avenue.

Nursery transition

Nursery children should attend their usual Nursery and/or KEEP sessions as usual on 4th July.  The new Reception staff will spend some time that day visiting them in Nursery and bringing them to visit the Reception spaces.  You will find out who their new teacher is at the meeting for parents/carers on Monday 3rd July.

Parents of children moving into Year 2

You will shortly recieve separate information inviting parents/carers to see your child’s new class inside the main building, as we know moving buildings can be a big, but exciting change.  If you have already had children in Year 2, do not feel you need to attend this.  It is simply an opportunity to come and have a short look for those of you who don't.

We are really looking forward to next year, after a restful summer.  If you have any questions or queries before the summer term ends, please just get in touch via the school office.


Miss Byrne, Nigel and Winnie 

Headteacher, school dogs

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