Annual reminders

Dear parent / carer


As we settle back into the new school year, can we remind you of a few things to help school life run as smoothly and safely as possible.


Pick up arrangements including who is collecting your child from school should be made before the start of the school day and communicated to staff no later than drop off time.  This is to facilitate your child and their Teacher in ensuring all children are collected safely by appropriate persons.  Anyone on your child’s emergency contact list will be allowed to collect your child.  The office will only be able to pass on last minute changes to your child’s end of day arrangements in an emergency. 


Attendance and punctuality are very important.  Ensuring your child arrives on time and attends every day they are able gives the best chance for them to have a #happy and #achieving time at school.  We do recognise that children are sometimes unwell and unable to attend.  In circumstances where your child has an infectious disease, it is important that they stay off school for the recommended period of time to prevent the spread of infection.  We follow the NHS guidelines on how long to keep children off school in these circumstances.  You can help your child achieve their best attendance by only keeping them off school for genuine illness and for no other reason.  


Medication can only be administered in school where parents / carers have completed and signed a permission form available from the school office.  All medication must be in its original container and prescription medication must be in the name of the child.  For more information, see our Managing Medication Policy.  


Nuts are not allowed on site at any time as some children have severe allergies.  This includes all nut products such as Nutella, Kinda Bueno, peanut butter, cereal bars containing nuts.  Both packed lunches and food brought into school for any other reason must be nut free.  Help us keep #caring for children with allergies by ensuring your child does not bring nuts or nut products into school.  


OOSC bookings should be made at least two days in advance.  This is to help us allocate the right number of staff to each OOSC breakfast and after school club session.  Past this deadline you will not be able to make bookings on the School Gateway app and bookings (by phone) will only be accepted in an emergency.  It is especially important that you book in advance at the current time as we are experiencing a temporary staffing shortage and have had to lower the cap on pupil numbers to meet staffing ratios.  Once all places are filled, bookings will no longer be accepted.  


#bekind to our school staff.  We are all here to help and do the best we can for your children.  Please speak to staff with respect and consideration.


#happy #caring #achieving 


Thank you

Mrs Hunter

Business Manager

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