Years 1, 2 & 3 – DoodleMaths

Dear parents / carers,

We are so proud of the work the children in Years 1,2 and 3 have been doing on DoodleMaths this year. Especially the number of stars and streaks which have been achieved. For children to maintain their streaks, they will need to continue to use DoodleMaths over the summer. We still advocate for a ‘little and often approach’ as it is important that the children have the opportunity to relax after a busy term.


As our current Year 3s move to Year 4 in September, they will no longer have access to DoodleMaths as they are to focus on TTRS in Year 4. We recognise the amazing streaks which have been achieved on DoodleMaths by some of our Year 3s and hope they put forward the same dedication to TTRS.


Have a wonderful summer!


Miss Forbes

Maths lead

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