School lunches for the next week and a half

Dear parents/carers,   Unfortunately, I have been informed over the weekend that a member of the school catering staff has testing positive for Covid 19.  The member of staff has not been in school since Tuesday and they did not leave the school kitchen on Monday and Tuesday.  Therefore there is no risk to your…

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Urgent help and understanding with yellow zig zags on a Friday

Dear parents and carers,   Outside our school are yellow zig zags which are there to keep all of our children safe.  On a Friday a number of parents/carers are thoughtlessly parking on these yellow zig zags when they collect their children for the afternoon.   PLEASE can you ALL think of the safety of…

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Our first week back

Dear parents and carers,   I just wanted to catch up with you at the end of our first week back, to let you know how things have gone.   It has been wonderful to have all of our children back!  They have settled in straight away across school and it has been a real…

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Welcome to Nigel

Exciting news……! Last week Nigel joined me and my boys at home.  He has settled straight in!  Despite stories warning me of how badly he’d sleep, that it would be a nightmare training him to go to the toilet-he has been a little dream puppy.   Nigel was born at the end of May.  He…

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Important information for Y1 – Y6 children regarding PE uniform

From Monday 7th September, children will need to come into school in their school PE kit on their PE days.  This is for health and safety reasons. Therefore we are school jogging bottoms as a compulsory item of clothing for Y1-Y6.  This is because for much of the year all day in shorts would not…

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Update on class teacher arrangement for current Y3M for September

Some of you may be aware that Miss Osueke has a chronic health condition.  She is happy for me to share this for those of you who don’t.  How she copes and manages is inspirational.  COVID resulted in Miss Osueke needing to shield for many months.  All children are returning to site in September and…

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OOSC reopening news!

Following a planning meeting this morning, we are excited to be able to tell you that OOSC will be opening on Wednesday 2nd September! The organisation of OOSC is going to have to be different, in order to comply with the DfE guidance for schools.  But we are confident that we have some ways to…

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Dear parents/carers,   As you may know, schools finally received some guidance about September, at the end of last week.  We are now working through the guidance and making decisions about what it will mean for our school and how we will operate in September.  Things will need to be organised very differently in order…

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