Children at King Edward follow a comprehensive curriculum for PHSE and RSE which equips them with the life skills needed to become confident, responsible, resilient and successful citizens. These skills are taught in weekly lessons but are evident in all areas of school life – in lessons, during playtimes, in group and individual work – where a positive, inclusive and respectful culture permeates all that we do.
Our PHSE curriculum provides children with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves happy, healthy and safe, as well as prepare them for life and work.
PHSE aims to give children the knowledge skills and understanding needed to live confident, healthy and independent lives. Areas covered include physical health and fitness, healthy eating, mental wellbeing, internet safety, understanding of illness and medicines, and facts about alcohol and drugs and the risks associated with them.
Our RSE curriculum covers the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, including family and friendships, online relationships, puberty and reproduction / sex education.
Our aim is to equip children with information, skills and positive values in order for them to have safe, fulfilling relationships and the confidence to be themselves.
We have high aims for all our pupils:
- We want all children that leave our school to understand and recognise the vital importance of good physical and mental health.
- We want them to be able to make safe and informed decisions with regard to their actions, behaviours and lifestyle choices in order to care for and support themselves and others both now and in the future.
- We want them to form and maintain strong and successful relationships at home, at school, at work and in the community and know where to seek support from when needed.
Weekly lessons are enhanced by multiple additional activities throughout the school year. These include charity events, visitors, careers development, enterprise opportunities, extra-curricular clubs and sports activities. Additional events also include Anti-Bullying Week, Friendship Friday, Children’s Mental Health Week, Safer Internet Day, World Kindness Day, Odd Socks Day and Healthy Living Week. These events support the development of our pupils as members of our community and of wider society and provide them with opportunities to broaden their knowledge and experiences.
Our children leave King Edward’s with a wide skill set to enable them to be confident, resilient and successful in their future lives as they make their way in the world.
Our children really are happy, caring and able to achieve as a result!
Our amazing school dogs, Nigel and Winnie, are key members of our school community- celebrities in the locality infact!