S&F Finance Overview Nov 21

Dear parent / carer The Staffing and Finance (S&F) Committee met on 19th November virtually. During the meeting the following points were discussed: School is currently reviewing the school meal provider. Look out for some exciting future developments. King Edward Primary are currently trialing a new initiative in school, the tutoring programme. If successful the…

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NSPCC ‘PANTS’ discussions

Dear Parent/Carers, This term our children will be discussing the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule in our RSHE lessons. During these discussions we will aim to teach our pupils the following important safety skills without giving explicit information or telling scary stories. We will be teaching our pupils the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule, using the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which…

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C&O meeting overview Autumn 21

Dear parent / carer Our Curriculum and Pupil Outcomes (C&O) committee met for the first time this term and we were pleased to welcome our newest governor, Mhairi McCowan to this group. It was exciting to hear from Miss Byrne about this year’s planned training for staff including a range of national and accredited courses…

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Christmas Cards 2021!

Dear parent / carer We are delighted to inform you that your children have been very busy creating some amazing festive artwork for their Christmas cards 2021! As parent / carers you have the opportunity to purchase your child’s designs which can be displayed on various items such as Christmas cards, gift tags and coasters…

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Whole School Update October 2021

Dear parent / carer   Our children It has been an absolute joy to have had some sense of normality back in our school, after the last two school years which have been impacted on by COVID.  It has been fabulous to see all of our children settle back into school after their summer break. …

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P&S committee Oct 21

Dear parent / carer The first Premises and Pupil Safety (P&S) committee of the new school year met virtually on Friday 15th October. As has become part of the committee’s remit over the last two years, the Covid-19 School Risk Assessment was reviewed and remains in line with current government guidance and protocols. This document…

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School Crossing Patrol Oct 21

Dear parents / carers   We would like to update you on the School Crossing Patrol that operates on the corner of Linskill and Washington Terrace.     Over the previous 12 months, School Crossing Patrol have frequently not been present due to significant and ongoing staffing absence.  We do not employ School Crossing Patrol staff…

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Update on Y5 isolation

Dear parent / carer As you will know, whenever someone tests positive for COVID we always have to contact PHE.  PHE are no longer taking calls after 8pm at night.  This is why we were unable to clarify with the usual letter last night and sent texts as guidance instead.  I have been able to speak…

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Reception and Y1 Transition

Dear Parents and Carers,    We are delighted to inform you that the children in Reception and Year One will have a transition day on Friday 9th July.    We had intended this to be a whole school event but due to bubble closures this won’t be possible for all children this Friday. We hope…

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PCR test for close contacts in Y3 and Y6

Dear parents and carers,   For children who are currently isolating in Year 3 and Year 6 due to school bubble closures   Like almost every school in North Tyneside, we currently have a number of children and staff who are unfortunately having to isolate.  If your child is currently isolating, PHE has asked for…

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