What do Others Think about our Early Years?
What Ofsted have to say
‘Children in the early years are well cared for, bubbly and full of smiles. Adults and children have strong, positive relationships. You have improved the outdoor environment for children, thereby extending learning opportunities that are firmly focused on children’s interests. The environment is literacy and numeracy rich.’
‘Children are encouraged to take safe, calculated risks in their play and exploration. They develop self-confidence, as well as their physical and self-awareness skills, effectively through carefully crafted, exciting activities indoors and outside. Early years staff, including those in the ‘KEEP’, are unfailingly caring and kind. Children behave well and respond promptly to adults’ requests.’
‘Staff in the early years listen carefully to the views of parents, ensuring that parents are fully involved in their children’s learning.’
‘There is a real sense of community and shared appreciation of what is on offer. Parents are grateful for the recently established extended provision, ‘KEEP’, which offers 30-hour provision for eligible children, and the Out-of-School Club (OOSC), which parents feel enrich the curriculum. Such provision is testament to your consideration of the needs of families and children and an endorsement of your commitment to the community you serve.’
What our children have to say
'I love making dens outside that we can get inside!'
'I like colouring and writing!'
‘I like Nursery because I like playing with all my friends!’
"I like playing outside best at Nursery!'
'I like playing games and everything!'
'I like dressing up and playing knights!'
'I like making models in the intervention Shed!'
'I really like baking tasty biscuits and rolling the mix!'
'I like going on the balance bikes and playing outside!'