Update on Y5 isolation
Dear parent / carer
As you will know, whenever someone tests positive for COVID we always have to contact PHE. PHE are no longer taking calls after 8pm at night. This is why we were unable to clarify with the usual letter last night and sent texts as guidance instead. I have been able to speak to PHE this morning. I am delighted to be able to pass on some good news to at least some families.
Our Y5 children are normally taught in sets and mix at many points throughout the day, this is why bubble closures so far have affected the whole year group. However, this week, Y5 have been taught in separate classes and have been separate at all times except when playing outside. As the positive case is an older child who is reliable able to identify who they have played with, I am over the moon to be able to tell you that the vast majority of 5LA (Mrs Laidler’s class) can return to school at 1.15pm this afternoon and DO NOT need to isolate. If your child is one of the small number of children in this class who does need to isolate, you will have been contracted by the time we have sent this letter. If you have not been contacted, your child can return to school.
We very much appreciate that whilst this is extremely positive news for this class, there may be some families who may prefer their child not to return for practical reasons having made childcare and work choices following last night’s communication. We entirely understand if you want to make this choice. Please could you email us at info@kingedward.org if your child will not be returning so we know whether to expect your child at 1.15pm.
We appreciate that today was the party day for Y5. The party will not go ahead so that no one misses out. We will reschedule the party at the beginning of next term. Children should come into school in PE kit or sports clothes if possible.
Miss Byrne
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