Uniform Price Changes – April 2021
Dear parent / carer
Following the annual review of school uniform prices, Governors of the Staffing and Finance Committee have agreed some changes to our uniform prices. These changes will come into effect for any uniform purchased on or after April 1st 2021.
The change in uniform prices directly reflect the costs we incur from our supplier. Please CLICK HERE to see our new uniform prices. The increase in prices is as a direct result of the supplier costs being increased.
We continue to sell uniform from the school office every Monday from 4.00pm-5.00pm. We are not able to sell uniform from the office at any other time as parents are not allowed on site. However, if you are unable to come into school at this time, you can send a clearly marked envelope with the correct money into school and we will send the requested uniform home with your child.
Thank you
Kate Byrne