Staffing update for next school year
Staffing for next school year
As you already know, we do not know what school will look like in September. It is too soon to know and we will need to be led to some degree, by what the Government and COVID 19 dictates. We have some initial contingency plans for what school could look like if not all children can be back in school, all at the same time. But I am not spending any great time on developing these in detail yet, as I am optimistic about some return to normal. Hope is good to have!
On the basis of either some return to normal, or other contingency plans, I have decided where staff will be in September. Given there is so much uncertainty for us all and for our children, I thought you would appreciate knowing who will teach in which year group next school year.
Current Year 5
As Year 5 will be returning to their last year in school, I felt it was critical to consider what would be absolutely in their best interests, for supporting their last year with us. They were my top priority. The rest of our school has longer to recover from the impact of this on their education and well-being. Therefore I have made the decision that their current teachers will move up with them into Year 6. This will provide significant continuity. They know each other well, have established relationships and this will enable the children to flourish as quickly as possible when they return to site from next week! Both teachers will keep their current classes. I hope this decision is one you feel is a good one for your children. Mrs Brown, Mrs Stobbs and Mrs Taylor will also support in class and with groups in Year 6 next year.
Other year groups
It is not as simple as staff moving up for all year groups in school, as new Reception and Nursery children will obviously be due to start their journey with us. Staff experience and skills mean that some staff are better suited and more experienced to working with some year groups. I’m sure the EYFS staff would be less keen to move to Year 6 and the Year 6 staff, uncertain and inexperienced about working with 4 year olds. No disrespect to any of those staff!!!! Significant numbers of our Reception and Year 1 children are already back on site. The rest of our children know our whole staff team well.
PLEASE NOTE – Not all staff below can currently be on site for health reasons. This plan assumes all staff will be able to return by September.
The information below tells you the staff in each year group.
In the coming week you will be told which teacher in that year group your child will have.
Miss Owen
Mrs Castleton and Miss Khanom/Mrs Laidman (Support staff)
Mrs Henderson
Miss Khanom/Mrs Laidman (Support staff)
Mr Denton and Mrs Armstrong
Mrs Fleming, Mrs Wright and Mrs Smith (Support staff)
Year 1
Mrs Douthwaite and Mrs Moorhead
Mrs Taylor (Support staff)
Year 2
Mr Routledge and Miss Reynolds
Mrs Yates (Support staff)
Year 3
Mr Henderson and Mrs Tong
Mrs Bennett (Support staff)
Year 4
Miss Osueke and Mrs Farrell
Mrs Harding (Support staff)
Year 5
Mrs Laidler and Mrs Leese
Mrs Errington
Mrs Leese is moving up to Year 5 is to provide some continuity for current Year 4 as a whole year group. As they also have less time left with us than our younger children.
Mrs Laidler will teach current Year 4L. Mrs Leese will teach current Y4O.
Mrs Imray will continue to deliver Science in Year 2 and Year 6. Mrs Cunningham will remain as PE leader teaching across school and Mrs Bower continue to support providing cover for staff PPA.
Next steps
As the end of this strange and surreal school year comes to an end, we will be looking at our curriculum for next year and how best to support all children. I will consider how best to begin the school year, to particularly support the children who will have been away from the school site for a long time. I will update you on any plans or information, either before the end of term, or in the school holidays. These are such uncertain times, that whilst I would like to give you certainty of plans, any plans made now may be entirely different by September. Such is the nature of this COVID 19 experience for us all. Thank you for your understanding and patience with this.
Staff leaving
We have been hugely lucky to have Miss Fox work with us in EYFS for the last year and she is flying off to train to be a teacher. I know she will be fabulous and wish her all the best in her future career. Miss Rowe has also been with us for the last year, providing invaluable 1:1 support and also as part of our EYFS team. She has worked with dedication and they will both be missed by us all.
I hope this information gives you a small amount of certainty in these uncertain times.
Kate Byrne