Staffing and Finance Governors Meeting – Spring Term 2
The Staffing and Finance Committee met virtually before the Easter break to discuss all aspects of Staffing and Finance. We discussed at length the schools Covid Catch Up Plan. Governors approved of the detailed and thorough plan and felt it carefully considered the needs of the pupils. All schools receive funding to support pupils who would benefit from additional interventions. Staff continually analyse pupils needs through assessment and observation and appropriate interventions are now in place. The school continues to react to the needs of the children, making sure they receive appropriate support.
The school’s budget was shared and discussed. On the whole the school has a healthy budget. OOSC has experienced many challenges during the pandemic and the school has worked hard to keep this well used facility open despite having a deficit budget.
Discussion was held regarding the Friday afternoon arrangements, it was agreed that we would continue to discuss Friday afternoon arrangements half termly at every Staffing and Finance Committee meeting.
The exciting upcoming development of the outdoor area was discussed. The detailed plans are a surprise for the children at the moment but keep your eyes peeled, now all we need is some warmer weather to allow the children to really enjoy the outside space.
Please take care and stay safe.
Adele Gibson
Chair of Staffing and Finance Committee
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