Staffing and Finance Committee Meeting Overview – Autumn Term 1
The Staffing and Finance Committee held our first virtual meeting of the new school year on before half term.
The committee continues to meet half termly to discuss matters associated with Staffing and
Finance. Due to current restrictions the committee meet virtually and will continue to do so for the
foreseeable future.
One of the key issues for discussion was to celebrate the successful Sports Funding Review. Even
during this challenging time King Edward Primary continues to strive for excellence, to ensure our
children receive the best possible sporting activities possible.
The committee spent time reviewing policies linked with staffing. Covid-19 is presenting many
challenges to us all but as a school the issue of testing, waiting for results and potential isolation
should not be underestimated. The school has only had to close two bubbles to date (fingers crossed
no more closures are needed in the future). The organisation of the bubbles was a monumental task
during the Summer Term, but the rigorous planning and implementation is paying off. The school is
managing significant short-term absences while Covid-19 Testing takes place, this is extremely
challenging, but the staff team are managing this situation magnificently. The school closing to the
majority of pupils on a Friday afternoon allows teaching staff to have their Planning, Preparation and
Assessment Time (PPA), a statutory requirement in all schools. The way the school has organised this
has ensured that staff transferring between bubbles has been kept to a minimum. The committee
fully supported the organisation which has been put into place.
During the meeting the committee received an up to date review of the school budget.
Take care and stay safe.
Adele Tong
Chair of Staffing and Finance Committee