Mobile Phones in School (Years 4 – 6 Only)

Dear parent / carer


While we do not encourage children to have mobiles, we acknowledge that for some families it is a way to ensure their child’s safety on the way to and from school.  Parents who wish for their child (year 4 – 6 only) to have use of a mobile phone whilst travelling to and from school will be allowed to bring a mobile into school as long as the following points are agreed and adhered to:


  • Your child must have your permission to bring their phone into school.
  • Pupils must not use mobiles on school premises or in the yard before and after school to ensure the e-safety of all children.
  • All mobiles must be easily identified by either a name / label or individual personalised charm / case.
  • All mobiles must be handed into the class teacher immediately upon arrival to the classroom.  These will be sent to the office in a box for safe keeping during the school day.
  • Mobiles will be returned at the end of the school day, this may be after other pupils have been dismissed if the teacher feels this may be easier to manage at the busy end of day.


Please note that all mobiles brought into school are entirely at pupils own risk.  School cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.


This disclaimer replaces the previous consent form.  By sending your child into school with their mobile phone you are agreeing to the above terms.

Yours sincerely

Kate Byrne


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