Is your child ready for Nursery?

Children start Nursery with a wide and varied range of starting points and skills but there are certain things that will really help your child get off to a great start with their learning. Some of these things are being able to:

  • Use the toilet independently
  • Share and take turns
  • Sit and listen in a group for a short amount of time
  • Take off and put on their coat
  • Separate from yourself or a carer without becoming upset

This is not an exhaustive list but the more independence your child has in terms of basic self-care skills, the more they can focus on their learning across the curriculum, feeling comfortable and secure in themselves.

What if you think your child may not be ready?

As we have said above, all children have different starting points when they begin Nursery but if you feel that your child may not be ready or you want to discuss anything further then feel free to contact the school. You can arrange to meet your child’s teacher or a member of the Early Years Team and we can discuss strategies that would help your child move towards being ‘school ready’.