Important information for Y1 – Y6 children regarding PE uniform
From Monday 7th September, children will need to come into school in their school PE kit on their PE days. This is for health and safety reasons.
Therefore we are school jogging bottoms as a compulsory item of clothing for Y1-Y6. This is because for much of the year all day in shorts would not be appropriate. The new jogging bottoms will have the school logo. The children will also look exceptionally smart when they are worn alongside their school PE t-shirt, with their school uniform jumper on top.
Children will come into school on PE days in their school jogging bottoms but will need their shorts underneath.
Over the holiday families will receive information about how to place an order for their jogging bottoms.
They will cost £10.50.
Parents will place their order and pay online.
Children/families will be told their PE days during the first week back. Children will bring their ordered jogging bottoms home during that first week.
Our children will look very smart I’m sure!
Kate Byrne
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