FGB overview 26.09.22
Dear parents / carers
The Full Governing Body met virtually on Monday 26th September, as usual attendance was good and Miss Byrne provided governors with a thorough review of the start of term alongside sharing priorities for the coming academic year.
Undoubtedly, KEPS continues to provide a high quality of education for the children and this was reflected in the School Improvement Partner (SIP) Report for the summer term, which was exceptionally positive, I particularly liked the comment that, “Pupils are very proud of their school. They indicated that it is a ‘happy and achieving’ school and that everyone is kind.” I would like to take this opportunity to thank the SIP, Christine Inkster, who has worked with the school for a number of years, but has now moved on.
Miss Byrne also provided governors with an overview of 2021/22 outcomes, which were superb and much stronger than the picture locally and nationally; this is as a result of the hard work of all the staff and leadership team.
Governors discussed the use of Twitter and Facebook by our school, following a decision by leaders to stop using Facebook. The views of a number of parents were shared, which leaders acknowledged. The percentage of parents accessing Facebook and Twitter was also shared. Governors noted that sign up for both is extremely high, with a small percentage difference between the two. Following much discussion about the many reasons behind stopping the use of Facebook, Governors agreed with the decision. This will also have a positive impact on staff workload, which Governors are responsible for monitoring. All parents and carers have the ability to make their own decision about accessing Twitter moving forward. All key information will continue to be shared via text/Gateway and the school website.
Jonathan Heath
Chair of Governors
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