Whole school update from Kate Byrne
Dear parents/carers,
I thought it would be helpful to write with some updates. So much has changed since we were all physically together as a school community. It saddens me enormously that it is 3 months today that I made the difficult decision to send children home. It saddens me further to think that for many children, they won’t return to site until September.
We are not alone. All schools nationally are dealing with this. Myself and the rest of the staff team are also living through this, with our own families. But as a strong team we are committed to doing the very best we can for our children.
Remote learning
Our remote learning will be continuing. We very much appreciate that this is no substitute for face to face teaching. But we have no other option. You should do the very best you can to work with your children. But also be kind to one another as we know for many this is a challenge for so many reasons. But I appeal to you to try and keep your children in some routine, accessing the learning. For those who do manage, life will be easier when we all return together.
You may notice at times that staff are not there to respond as they were able to do before last week. This is because your child’s teacher may be in work all day as key worker childcare, or all morning, with a year group. But they will respond, when they can.
What September will look like
I simply do not know what September will look like. I am optimistic that things are moving in the right direction and I have every hope that all children will be back. But I simply do not know. It may be that all children are back but some things remain the same. Like parents not on the site, staggered starts, smaller groups. As I’ve said before, when announcements are made nationally, we hear them for the first time with you. So please can I ask again, that when you hear things, you allow us some time to plan. I will update you on this as and when I can.
Children able to return to site – Reception, Year 1 and Year 6
It has been a fabulous success opening our school to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. It is brilliant to see our children in their uniforms, back in schools and enjoying life. I am sad that things have to be so different. It won’t always be like this. The guidance and planning which has gone into it is vast. Thank you for your understanding. We have used up all the appropriate rooms and staff who are familiar to Reception and Year 1. Those two year groups, alongside our key worker childcare, have taken over the whole of the EYFS building and all of downstairs in the main building.
It has been lovely to have Year 6 return. Whilst we can’t give them the send off they were expecting, we will do our best to make it memorable and as special as we can.
Other year groups returning to site
You will know that many weeks ago, the Government announced that all primary year groups would return to school before the summer. As a headteacher we knew that it would not be possible. Whilst we share that asspiration, it is simply not realistic. Some primary schools are not able to bring back any year groups at all due to their small buildings, their staff availability and the number of key worker children they have. So therefore it was no surprise that the decision has been reversed.
We are blessed. We have a very large site and a huge staff team. This has made things a little easier to move forward. Things have been so successful that just yesterday, we have given Year 5 the option to return to site. The take up has been huge, as I expected. We had a couple of remaining rooms on the top floor and with a huge amount of juggling, I have managed to release their usual teachers to welcome them back. I cannot have them on site 5 days a week like the other year groups. I don’t have enough staff or rooms to do that. But they are returning in small bubbles, two days a week per group. This will have a significant impact on their readiness for Year 6, their final year with us. This is why I have pushed ahead and made this decision.
Regardless of any announcements, it is with huge sadness, that the other year groups will not be able to return at all before the summer holidays. We simply have no more space or staff.
Children not able to return to site – Pastoral phone calls
Events and decisions have evolved for all schools as this pandemic has continued. We are absolutely aware of the large number of children not able to be onsite. We are truly sorry for this. But all schools are in this situation. However, we are mindful of you and your families well-being. If we have not already been in touch with you, then we will be ringing each and every child and family over the coming 2 weeks or so, This is specifically for those children who are not able to return to site. This will be a pastoral call, to check how you all are and to see if you need any help, within the many, many constraints we are working with.
We have been told that we need to write an annual report for each child. This was not entirely expected, given that a large number of children have not been onsite for such a long time. The format will be very different and will reflect where your children were at in March and reflect their learning during this lockdown.
End of term changes
As staff need to write reports, on top of all of the above and their own childcare/home learning challenges, there will be a different approach to remote learning during the final week of this term. This will allow staff to finalise these reports. I anticipate emailing these to you and we will be in touch nearer the time about this. This is also why Reception, Year 1 and Year 5 will end being onsite on Friday 10th July.
Year 6 will finish on Friday 3rd July as they are being taught by the Leadership Team. This will then enable us the time together to begin to plan for whatever September will be. As currently they are teaching all morning, managing remote learning all afternoon and supporting the key worker childcare on top. We need this vital time to prepare.
Any other announcements
We are loving having your children back with us. But I am also aware that we know there will be other announcements coming about Education and for schools. But it is important that whatever they are, our building is totally full. Our staffing is beyond stretched. Our site will be closed over the summer whatever these next announcements are. We have some building work and our site manager, who has worked solidly throughout the whole of our site being open, including every single holiday, has a significant amount of annual leave to take. As have our cleaners. Our staff team is also exhausted and ready for some time with our own families.
On a final note
I have some exciting news! We have a school puppy who will be joining us in September! Our little puppy will be a perfect addition to our school family! I will share some details about him, along with some photos and videos over the summer holidays. Nearer September, I will also share some information about school dogs, the benefits and how we will manage him being in school for those of your children who have any worries about dogs. But this will be a measured, planned step and he will be a fabulous new member of our school! There is even training for school dogs!! But I can absolutely reassure you that no child will be made to spend time with him who is not comfortable to do so, or who is allergic. He’s called Nigel!