Classes for September 2023!
Following on from the last webpost, these are the classes for September 2023!
Current teacher/class Classes and teachers from September
Nursery/KEEP Reception L - Mrs Davidson
Nursery/KEEP Reception S - Mrs Dunn
RD Y1S - Mrs Stobbs
RA Y1A - Mrs Armstrong
Y1M Y2D - Miss Douthwaite
Y1D Y2R - Miss Reynolds
Y2D Y3D - Mr Denton (who will continue as EYFS lead and DHT despite teaching Y3)
Y2RS Y3F - Mrs Farrell
Y3G Y4LW - Mrs Leese and Mrs Wallace
Y3F Y4O - Miss Osueke
Y4I Y5T - Miss Tong
Y4O Y5D - Miss Dove
Y5T Y6L - Mrs Laidler
Y5D Y6IB - Mrs Imray and Mrs Bower
Other staffing information and updates will follow along with other end of term information.