Year 6 Remote Learning
Dear parent / carer
Bubble isolation and remote learning
You will have received a text yesterday explaining that there has been a positive case of COVID in Year 6 and informing you that your child needs to isolate. The electronic letter from PHE will have told you how long your child has to isolate for. Your child MUST NOT leave the house while they have to isolate. But the rest of the household does not need to isolate. Your child does not need to get a test unless they develop symptoms. If this does occur, please let school know as soon as possible.
How long will my child have to isolate for?
This will depend on when the person who tested positive was last in school. Your child will have to isolate for up to 14 days. It could be for slightly less than 14 days if the person who has tested positive was absent immediately prior to the test result, or if the result has come through over a weekend. But it is the decision of PHE how long any isolation is for.
Will my child receive work?
All children will have work set for them if their bubble closes. In most cases this will be via Google classroom, Seesaw or Tapestry (EYFS). Children MUST complete their work each day and it will be marked online each day.
Will the work be the same as during lockdown?
We reviewed our remote learning approach during September. As a result, there are some slight changes. We have invested in some remote learning systems which your child will have access to, in addition to work set on Google classroom, Seesaw or Tapestry. The older children in school will also have an increased amount of work set for them. But we are mindful that younger children in school need more adult support to work remotely. Work will be set within 24 hours of your child being sent home.
Does my child have to complete the work?
COVID 19 appears to be here to stay. We all therefore need to consider that remote learning is a long-term approach which we need to manage together. We will set daily learning for your child and mark the learning for your child everyday. Your child must complete the work which is set. Failing to do the work which is set will result in your child falling behind. Whilst we entirely understand the challenges of juggling work and home learning, children must complete the work set during a bubble closure in full. Completing the work set is vital for your child’s ongoing education.
What if we do not have a device to use?
We have a small number of devices which we may be able to loan your child during a bubble isolation. Please contact us immediately if your child might need to borrow one. These would need to be collected from school and returned immediately when your child returns back to school.
How will we keep in touch with you?
Your child’s teacher will keep in touch with you and your child via Google classroom. Seesaw and via email. Your child can also email them any time for advice.
Will we get any calls home?
During any bubble isolations your child’s teacher will ring you at the end of the first week to see how things are going. Pending on the length of the isolation, your child’s teacher may also ring again the following week. If you would like a call more regularly, then you can request that either during the first call or via email.
However if your child does not submit the work each day, then your child’s teacher will be quickly in touch.
Please click here to complete a Google Form with your preferred contact number for the contact during your child’s period of isolation.
What if you or your child need any help or advice?
We will be here and available to try and help. You will be able to contact staff on the year group emails. They will also be able to give you and your child a call if needed. Myself and Mrs Miller are also available.
Kate Byrne