Year 6 Leavers Events 2023

Dear parent / carer


In just four school weeks we will be saying goodbye to our Year 6 children as they leave us to continue their educational journey at High School.  To send our Year 6 2023 leavers off in style, we have organised a number of events and treats for them in the last weeks of term.  


We are asking parents for a donation of £15 towards these events and treats which can be paid on School Gateway, payments, ‘Y6 leavers 2023’.  This is a much needed contribution towards the events which are also heavily subsidised by school funds.  Please read on below to find out what we have planned!   


Date Class Event
Monday 17th July 6L & 6F Children can wear their leavers hoodies in school all week
Monday 17th July 6L & 6F Bowling at Gutterball Bowling after school
Tuesday 18th July 6L Leavers performance (6L parents invited)
Wednesday 19th July 6F Leavers performance (6F parents invited)
Thursday 20th July 6L & 6F Meal at Davanti Classico during the school day
Friday 21st July 6L & 6F Last day goodbyes


Gutterball Bowling

We are pleased to include this additional leavers event in addition to those listed in the advance diary dates.  On Monday 17th July we have booked bowling at Gutterball Alley, Royal Quays.  Parents / carers will need to bring their child to the event and take them home afterwards.  Please arrive at 5.45pm and collect your child at 7.15pm.  Drinks only will be provided.  We hope all children can attend, please complete the form to confirm your child’s place.  Please complete THIS FORM to give permission for your child to attend.  


Leavers hoodies

Children are welcome to wear their hoodies every day during the last week of term (Monday 17th to Friday 22nd July).  


Leavers performance 

Y6 have been working hard practising for their leavers performance.  All children will perform together but we ask parents of each class to attend on their designated day (see table above) to ensure there is space for all parents to attend.  Parents should come to community room doors via the main entrance gate on Preston Avenue.  Please arrive from 1.50pm for the performance starting at 2.00pm.  


Meal at Davanti Classico

Children will enjoy a three course meal at Davanti Classico in Tynemouth Station.  This takes place during the school day and replaces the ‘school dinner’ for that day.  Children will walk to Davanti with school staff who will accompany them throughout the meal and return to school with them.  


Last day goodbyes

Children may wish to get a school polo shirt signed by their year group peers and teachers.  If you would like your child to get a shirt signed, please send them into school with a spare polo shirt.  Children will not be allowed to sign the top they are wearing on the day.  


I hope our Year 6 children will enjoy their final weeks at KEPS.  We wish them all the best for their future!


Thank you

Mrs Brown

Deputy Headteacher

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