Year 5 North Shields Fish Quay Visit – Monday 12th June 2023

Dear parents / carers,


As a part of our current topic ‘The history of our local area’ we will be visiting the North Shields Low Lights Museum. The children will take part in different workshops during the day, including a tour of the Fish Quay where they will learn about its history. The visit will take place on Monday 12th June 2023.  We will leave school at 9.30am, walk to the Fish Quay and return to school for the end of the school day.


The children can wear P.E.uniform for the visit with a school jumper/cardigan and comfortable shoes, as there will be a lot of walking on the trip.  Please also ensure your child has an appropriate coat for the day.  The children will need a packed lunch and water bottle.  If your child is entitled to a free school meal and you would like a free school packed lunch, please call the school office by Thursday 8th June 2023 on 0191 8141455.


Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions about the day. 

Miss Dove      Miss Tong           Mrs Harding

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