Year 4 – High Borrans Adventure w/c 18th May 2020
Dear Parent/Carers
During their time at King Edward Primary School we hope that every child will take an opportunity to come with us on an exciting adventure at High Borrans Outdoor Education, near Windermere in the Lake District.
High Borrans is a self-contained centre, in its own grounds, which belongs to North Tyneside Council. The children will get the chance to visit some different parts of the Lake District and try out some expert-led activities, such as canoeing and Ghyll scrambling. They will develop independence, resilience and cooperative skills. Activities are tailored to the children’s ages and abilities.
This summer your child has an opportunity if they wish, to come with us.
This year EVERY Year 4 child can have a place if they wish. One class will depart on Monday arriving in time for an afternoon of activities, staying for 2 nights and returning on the Wednesday afternoon. This will include an activity that morning. The other class will come to High Borrans on the Wednesday. Their coach will bring the first group back. The second group will return on the Friday afternoon having also had 2 nights there with one whole day and 2 half days of activities
The overall cost of the visit will be £210.00 This cost covers all transport for the stay, food, accommodation, specialist instructors, appropriate equipment etc. By organising this now, if your child takes a place, then you would be given the opportunity to pay by instalments if you so choose.
A meeting will be held for parent/carers who wish to know more on Monday 2nd March at 5.45 pm.
Further information about the Centre can be found on their website
Children who choose not to take up this opportunity will remain in school. A range of activities and experiences will be planned for any children who do not visit High Borrans.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or the school office. Should you wish to discuss any payment difficulties, then please do not hesitate to contact the office to talk to Kate Byrne in confidence.
If you would like your child to be given the opportunity to attend, then please complete the online form no later than Friday 6th March 2020.
You will be notified along with confirmation of dates for deposits, other payment information and any other necessary paperwork.
Yours faithfully,
Alan Henderson
Educational Visits Leader
Year 4 – High Borrans Adventure w/c 18th May 2020 Online Permission Form