Welcome to our school and thank you for taking the time to look at what we offer here for our children and community.
If myself or any of our school team can help in any way, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
King Edward Primary School is a thriving and busy primary school which offers a fantastic education to children from age three up to age eleven. Children come to us from the local area and from a wide range of diverse backgrounds and experiences. We are at the heart of our community. This is something which we are very proud of.
The needs of our families and community influence many of our decisions.
The opening of our KEEP (King Edwards Extended Provision), enabled us to provide full time EYFS provision for our eligible three and four year olds.
We also have a thriving Out of School Club (OOSC), which is open 51 weeks a year, providing before school, after school and holiday club.
This means that along with a wide range of after school clubs, we offer a full and thriving range of support and opportuities to children and families all year round from 7.30am - 5.30pm.
We are dedicated to providing our children with an enriching education which motivates and enthuses each and every child to achieve their absolute very best.
At the heart of everything we do is to make sure that our children are happy, safe and caring young people who are able to succeed and achieve their full potential.
It is very important to us that we do this through working closely with our families. Supporting and listening to our families means that we can work together for our children as a team. Our children will then know that they matter and that we care.
Children are guided and focused in their learning. We teach them how to become articulate, resourceful, independent, resilient and collaborative learners. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, with the dedicated support from our staff team, to ensure that each and every child succeeds.
Throughout our school, including through lunchtime and after school opportunities, children have available a range of music, art, sporting, music, STEM, ICT and MFL opportunities.
Children are encouraged to become young leaders….…leaders of the school council, sport leaders, eco team memebrs and mindfulness leads. We encourage all children to be aware of their rights, but also their responsiblities.
Behaviour amongst our pupils is impeccable and we expect the very best of our children at all times. Children are very supportive of one another and help their friends to make positive decisions and choices. The school team work incredibly hard to ensure that all pupils individual needs are effectively supported.
We are extremely proud of our school and our children are amazing.
I am blessed to be head teacher of our wonderful school community and I look forward to being a part of our future development and the lives of our children and our community.
Our mission to ensure that our children are happy, caring and achieving means that our children leave us proud of themselves and proud of each other. They leave us as independent learners who are ready for the next steps in their lives ahead, as positive members of their community.
Miss Kate Byrne