Staffing & Finance Overview February 2025
Dear parent / carer
The Staffing and Finance governor committee met before the half term holiday. Hannah Gilroy was welcomed as a new governor and new member of the committee. Hannah is an experienced School Business Manager and we look forward to having her expertise on the governing body.
Governors fulfilled statutory duties including:
- Approving admissions arrangements for the September 2026 intake in line with the Local Authority
- Receiving a mid-year budget monitoring report which was discussed in detail
Governors considered the price that school charges for hire of the premises. School cannot run lettings at a loss and due to increased staff salary costs over the previous two years, governors have agreed an increase to the cost of lettings from April 2025.
Governors also considered the charge for OOSC sessions. This was discussed in detail considering the fees set by other local schools and settings, staff costs which have risen significantly with inflation and the last time fees were increased. OOSC is also a provision which school cannot legally run at a loss as it is not allowed to be subsided by schools budget and must be funded entirely from parent / carer fees. This includes all staffing and resources. Governors have agreed a small increase to breakfast club and holiday club sessions. Both after school session fees will remain at the current price. These changes will come into effect at the start of the Easter holidays on 14th April 2025 and will be shared with parents and on our website in due course.
Mrs Hunter
Clerk to the Governing Body