Reminder for children starting our Reception class from other settings
Dear Parents / Carers,
We hope that you have had an enjoyable summer and we are looking forward to seeing you all next week as you join us in Reception class. We thought that we’d share a reminder of your child’s start date and arrangements for how and when the children will come into Reception at the beginning of the day and leave at the end of their session.
School reopens for returning children on Wednesday 2nd September. This is so that returning children can spend the morning with last year’s teacher, before moving into their new classroom in the afternoon. We’re sure that you can appreciate that as some of our youngest children have spent so long away from school, it is vital that we plan their return in a way that supports a happy and gradual transition back to normality.
To allow this to happen, your child’s first day with us is Thursday 3rd September. They will attend for the morning and stay for lunch. On these first two days your child will be in a small group of children who are starting our school for the first time. By attending in a smaller group for their first two days, it will allow them to really get to know each other and the staff working in Reception. In order to comply with Covid-19 guidelines and to avoid congestion, there will be a 15 minute window at the beginning and end of each session for drop off and collection. The details are outlined below.
- You will arrive at the Reception entrance between 8:45am and 9:00am. The children will have lunch in school and will be collected from the Reception entrance between 12:15pm and 12:30pm.
- As parents and carers are not currently allowed in the school buildings due to Covid-19 restrictions, you will bring your child to the door and staff will take them inside. If your child is unsettled when they come in, we have found that they settle much easier and quicker if parents and carers leave them with staff. If your child continues to be unsettled as the session begins, we will be in touch to let you know and to talk through next steps.
From Monday 7th September until Friday 11th September, your child will continue to attend school for the morning session and their lunch at the times stated above. Throughout this week, they will be joined by some children joining Reception from our Nursery.
From Monday 14th September, your child will attend Reception full time. They will arrive at the Reception entrance between 8:45am and 9:00am and will leave at 3:15pm, unless they are using Out of School Club.
We have sixty children to settle into their Reception classes, under the most bizarre circumstances, after a considerable amount of time away from our school at such a young age. Taking these extra steps over the first eight days, should help all of our children settle into their new classes much more easily.
We are confident that anything that you need to know before next week has been covered in the ‘key information’ document that was shared in July and at your welcome meeting. If you have something that you want to know or would like to talk about before next week, contact the school office on and somebody will be in touch with you as soon as we can.
Thank you,