School Meals
School Meals
We are pleased to announce that from the 1st April 2023 we have taken our school meals provision in house. This means that we are running our own catering service, without the restrictions imposed by an external company. We are very excited to have taken on this service and the added benefits for our school community. Miss Jeffrey, Catering Manager, oversees the provision.
Why choose a school meal for your child?
We use the highest quality products and use highly trained teams to prepare and cook fresh dishes daily. We are working with Hutchison Catering, who have experience in delivering school meals, to ensure the menu is varied and meets nutritional standards. Food is prepared on the premises and we offer a home cooked meal, including a vegetarian option each day. To start each week, we have 'meat free Mondays'. The menu is designed to encourage a balanced diet and children are encouraged to make healthy choices and try new things.
Meals are eaten in the downstairs hall of the main school building for children in Year 2 to Year 6 and the EY hall for children in Reception to Year 1. Nursery children who access additional hours in the KEEP are given access to the same main meal as children in the main school and are given their lunch in the KEEP or Out of School Club areas.
Quick Links
Menu Summer 2024 (Starting 15th April 2024) Week 1 will start after every school holiday.
School Gateway app information
For school meals queries, contact the office where a member of staff will be happy to help.
School Meal Payments
Reception to Year 2:
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals which means that all children in these year groups receive free school lunches daily.
Nursery / KEEP and Year 3 to Year 6:
Any meals taken in the KEEP and Years 3 to 6 will be fully chargeable, except where a parent has successfully applied for Free School Meals (see below). The school meal price is £2.50 per day (£12.50 per week).
All meals must be paid for in advance using the School Gateway app. Just go to the 'Payments' section to top up your child's account. Each time your child takes a meal, you will then be debited and be able to see your balance in 'Dinners' section.
We operate a no debt policy - if your child does not have money on their account, we will not be able to provide a school meal. For full terms of payment, see our Charging and Remissions Policy.
Allergens and Intolerances
If your child has a food allergy or intolerance, you must inform school. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform us of any such dietary requirements.
Hutchinson Catering will also be supporting us with food allergens and intolerances and have a fully qualified dietician to ensure all needs can be met. If your child has any dietary requirements and would like to take up school meals, please contact the school office in the first instance. You will then be asked to complete a form which is shared with Hutchinson, allowing their dietitian to liaise with you and school staff to create a suitable menu for your child.
Packed Lunches
Children can bring their own packed lunch as an alternative to school meals. Packed lunches are eaten in the halls alongside children having school dinners, or outside in the yard during warm weather. Food should be brought into school in names plastic lunch boxes. For safety reasons, we do not permit glass containers or hot liquids in flasks. Packed lunches cannot contain nuts or nut containing products (e.g. peanut butter, Nutella, breakfast bars etc) as several children in school have severe nut allergies. As part of our Healthy Eating Campaign, we ask parents not to include sweets in packed lunches and instead we encourage children to bring a lunch that supports a healthy, balanced diet.
Free School Meals
Why should I Apply?
If you are eligible, your child will receive nutritious and healthy schools meals free of charge. Your child will also be entitled to free school milk each day. What’s more, school will be able to claim additional funding from the government for each child in receipt of free schools meals.
Even if you are entitled to Universal Free School Meals (children in Reception to Year 2) and you think you may be entitled to free school meals by meeting one of the criteria below, please apply as this will allow school to claim additional funding.
Funding received is used by school to offer pupils invaluable support and to fund resources and activities. For more information on how funding is used, please click here.
Am I Eligible?
You are eligible for free school meals if you receive any of the following benefits:
- Income support
- Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Universal Credit with an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Pension Credit Guarantee
- Child Tax Credit without Working Tax Credit and an annual taxable income below £16,190 (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs)
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit and an annual taxable income below £16,190.
How do I Apply?
If you think you meet any of the criteria, you can apply by completing this online form.
You can also make an application quickly and easily over the telephone by calling (0191) 643 2288.
Thank you for your support and for helping to make sure the school receives as much funding as possible to give every pupil the support and education they deserve.