How to Apply
Our school provides places for children in Nursery (age 3) up to Year 6 (age 11). For information on how to apply for a Nursery place, click here . For information on how to apply for a place in Reception or how to move your child into King Edward Primary School from an existing school, please read on.
Parents are entitled to express a preference for the school they wish their child to attend. King Edward Primary School are a North Tyneside Learning Trust school and as such the Governing Body are the admissions authority. The planned admission number is 60 per year group.
The Local Authority co-ordinates the admissions on behalf of the Governing Body of the school. Preference is given to those who live nearest to the school and to children who have siblings already at King Edward Primary School. We welcome visits to the school by prospective parents and hold opening evenings once per half term specifically for this purpose. For more information, please see the Welcome Page of our website.
A Detailed Guide
Please click here to access the following information as provided by North Tyneside Council:
- Essential Guide to Schools - a list of North Tyneside schools and everything you need to know about how to apply
- Key Dates and Late Applications - timescales of when you need to apply and when you will hear if your application is successful
- Admission Arrangements - what criteria will be used to allocate places in the event a school is oversubscribed (received more applications than there are places available)
- In Year Transfers - advice on changing school during the year
- Appeal a School Place Decision - advice about making an appeal if you are dissatisfied with the response to your application
- Online School Applications - how to save time any apply for a school place online.
Admission Arrangements for Reception for September 2026
Detailed below are the admission arrangements that were determined by the Governing Body of King Edward Primary School on Thursday 20th February 2025 in accordance with the School Admission Code 2021:
- First and Primary Trust Admissions Policy (includes over-subscription criteria)
- First and Primary Co-Ordinated Admissions Scheme
- Nursery Admissions Policy
The deadline for Reception admissions for September 2026 is TBC.
An objection to the determined admission arrangements must be made to the Schools Adjudicator by 15th May 2025.
View information about the Office of the Schools Adjudicator by following this link or email
FAQ's - Frequently asked questions about school admissions in North Tyneside
In Year Transfers
North Tyneside Local Authority process in year admission applications on behalf of King Edward Primary School. The application process is as follows:
- Submit application form to LA
- LA to contact school to request if places are available
- LA to contact parent / carer to confirm if place is available
- School to contact parent / carer regarding visits, start dates and paperwork
For further information and an application form, click this link.
This process has been approved by the governing body for academic year 2024-25.
High School Admissions
If you child is currently in Y6, please see North Tyneside’s admission information at this link and visit your chosen school’s website for more information.
The deadline for High School applications for September 2025 is TBC.
Access Team
For further information about school admission arrangements in North Tyneside contact the Access Team by:
Tel: (0191) 6438724