Parent/Carers of Year 6 – Dental Survey

Dear Parent/Guardian,


Every year we collect information on the health of peoples’ teeth as part of the dental survey. The information helps to plan NHS dental services in your area.


This year the survey will collect information about the health of the teeth of children in year 6.  Your child’s school is taking part in the survey and you are being asked to agree to your child having a dental check at their school on a date in the near future.


Please complete the online consent form by clicking on the link below by Friday 23rd December 2022.


This link will direct you to a web page which provides information to the parent/guardian regarding the survey where you can then complete the online consent form.


We would appreciate your feedback in relation to the online consent process and there is an opportunity for you to do this once you have completed the consent form.


Thank you for your support.


Northumbria Dental Service

School Survey Team

Dental Department

Wallsend Health Centre

The Green


Tyne & Wear

NE28 7PD

Telephone: 0191 2623806

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