Our recent Ofsted inspection – Letter to parents and carers

Dear parents and carers,


I hope you all had a restful, happy and relaxing half term, free from germs!


I am extremely proud to finally be able to share with you the outcome and report from our recent Ofsted inspection, on the 4th and 5th of October 2023.


Many parents/carers will know that the current Ofsted framework, introduced in 2019, is a very challenging framework.  As a result, the judgement criteria in all areas are extremely thorough and robust.  Resulting in very few schools across the country achieving the highest judgement of ‘Outstanding’.  Since 2013, there have been no primary schools inspected in North Tyneside that I am aware of, that have been graded as ‘Outstanding’.


Our recent inspection was unfortunately an ungraded (section 8) inspection, not a graded (section 5) inspection.  This means that the inspection was not able to change the overall judgement of good. 


However, I am absolutely thrilled for our pupils and school community to finally be able to share that the report states ‘the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now’. 


Ofsted also left us with no ‘areas for improvement’.


This is a huge achievement for everyone. 


I am thrilled that the report recognises the many strengths we are most proud of and also talks about our fabulous children and staff. 


I am particularly proud that our pupils ‘embody our schools values of ‘happy, caring and achieving’.


As always, we will continue to build on these strengths in order to ensure each of our children are supported to achieve their full potential and to enjoy their time and experiences with us.  As the report states, ‘leaders in school have high expectations of themselves, of staff and of pupils.  These high expectations result in a very positive environment for learning’.  


I hope you all take the time to read the report in full when we share it later today.  The report will then be uploaded onto our school website, followed by the Ofsted website in about a week’s time.  


I hope that you all enjoy reading the full report, which we will send out later today.  I am immensely proud of our children, staff and Governors.  Moving forward, we will continue our high expectations as we seek to achieve even more in the future!   


Best wishes


Miss Kate Byrne 

Head teacher

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