OOSC Opening Hours and Fees

Please note that our fees are subject to annual review.


We are open Monday to Friday, 51 weeks a year including Teacher Training Days.  We are closed for Christmas and bank holidays.

Term Time Clubs

Breakfast Club7.30am-9.00am£5.50
After School Club3.15pm-4.30pm
After School Club4.30pm-5.30pm

Holiday Clubs

Full day7.30am-5.30pm£35.00

Pricing is subject to review annually.

Late Fees

For after school club and holiday club, collection after 5.30pm will result in a £5.00 charge.  An additional £5.00 will be added for every 15 minutes after 5.45pm. Where possible, OOSC should be notified by phone if you are going to be late.