Ofsted & DfE
Ofsted Summary 2018
Here’s what Ofsted had to say about our school following their short inspection in April 2018:
- ‘You have embedded a happy, positive ethos in which pupils and adults thrive’
- ‘Pupils are polite, considerate and full of smiles’
- ‘You hold high aspirations for pupils’
- ‘A keen, united sense of responsibility therefore drives adults in their work to support and challenge pupils appropriately’
- Attainment is ‘at the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics’ and ‘has been sustained at above national averages’
- ‘Pupils’ welfare and their achievements are consistently held central to your team’s thinking and actions’
- ‘You are fully committed to building on those good practices that exists across subjects’
- ‘The safety of pupils is of utmost importance to you’
- ‘Pupil’s wellbeing, success and enjoyment are central to your actions; the protection and welfare of pupils fuel your decision-making processes’
- ‘Staff are suitably vigilant in their duty to protect and care for pupils’
- ‘Pupils said that they feel safe’
- Pupils ‘are confident that appropriate actions is taken to support them’
- ‘Pupils are adamant that bullying has no place in their school’
- ‘Parents, staff and pupils are proud of their school. There is a real sense of community and shared appreciation of what is on offer. Parents are grateful for the recently established extended provision, “KEEP”, which offers 30-hour provision for eligible children, and the out-of-school club (OOSC)’
- ‘The positive culture encourages staff to strive to improve their skills across subjects. Several members of staff have developed specialisms in their areas of responsibility or interest, sharing their effective practices within school and across other schools’
- There is ‘a perceptible “buzz” of learning’
- Pupils’ ‘behaviour, resilience and attitudes to learning are commendable’
- ‘Children in the early years are well cared for, bubbly and full of smiles. Adults and children have strong, positive relationships. You have improved the outdoor environment for children, thereby extending learning opportunities that are firmly focused on children’s interests. The environment is literacy and numeracy rich’
- ‘Early years staff, including those in the “KEEP”, are unfailingly caring and kind’
- ‘Staff, parents and governors have complete faith in your leadership and management of the school and your ability to meet the needs of the pupils in your care’
- ‘You analyse pupils’ outcomes incisively, putting additional support in place promptly for pupils who may be falling behind’