Pre-loved Outdoor Clothing Swap

By Linn Hoggins | November 17, 2023

Dear parent / carer As you may know, children in Y4 and Y6 have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit this year to an outdoor activity centre.  Due to the rising costs of living and thinking of the eco / environmental benefits of recycling and reusing clothing, we are proposing to hold…

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Children in Need – Friday 17th November 2023

By Linn Hoggins | November 14, 2023

Dear parent / carer   BBC’s Children in Need are having their annual appeal on Friday 17th November 2023.  In support of this, we would like children to come to school in their Pyjamas on Friday 17th (as per the advance diary dates).  PJs should be school and weather appropriate.     As you know, Children…

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Christmas Cards and More!

By Linn Hoggins | November 10, 2023

Dear parent / carer   Your children have been very busy creating beautiful Christmas card designs!  These can be turned into Christmas cards, poster calendars, mugs, gift labels and tea towels for you to purchase.  £1 from the sale of each product goes straight back to school  funds to subsidise fun events and activities such…

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Ofsted Report October 2023

By Linn Hoggins | November 6, 2023

Following on from our previous message, please click below to see our Ofsted report. King Edward Primary School Ofsted Report – October 2023

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Our recent Ofsted inspection – Letter to parents and carers

By Kate Byrne | November 6, 2023

Dear parents and carers,   I hope you all had a restful, happy and relaxing half term, free from germs!   I am extremely proud to finally be able to share with you the outcome and report from our recent Ofsted inspection, on the 4th and 5th of October 2023.   Many parents/carers will know…

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Dogs on Site

By Linn Hoggins | October 26, 2023

Dear parent / carer   Please can we ask all parents and carers to be mindful of their dogs at pick up and drop offs.     Dogs should: Not be brought onto any of the school yards (unless they can be carried) Not be tied near school gates / entrances Not be left unattended on…

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October Half Term Holiday Food Support

By Linn Hoggins | October 18, 2023

The government have once again provided schools with some Household Support Grant funding to support families with the cost of food in the school holidays.  The grant is being used to help families whose children are in receipt of free school meals because they meet the income related benefit criteria (not universal free school meals).…

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Is your child entitled to Free School Meals?

By Linn Hoggins | October 17, 2023

Why should I Apply? If you are eligible, your child will receive nutritious and healthy schools meals free of charge.  Your child will also be entitled to free school milk each day. What’s more, school will be able to claim additional funding from the government for each child in receipt of free schools meals. Even…

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Halloween Disco 2023

By Sarah Parnaby | October 16, 2023
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OOSC October Half Term – Bookings are now open!

By Linn Hoggins | October 12, 2023

Dear parents / carers OOSC booking is now open for October half term 2023!  We have lots of Halloween fun planned – CLICK HERE to find out more! The club will be open from 7.30am-5.30pm at a rate of £30 per day on the following dates: Monday 30th October 2023 until Friday 3rd November 2023 You…

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Show Racism the Red Card – Whole School Wear Red – Friday 20th October 2023

By Linn Hoggins | October 12, 2023

Dear parent /carer   To show our support for ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ we will be having a a non uniform and wear red day in school on Friday 20th October 2023 wearing non-uniform and something red.  We are not asking for a donation on this occasion but are asking children to wear red…

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Staffing & Finance Autumn Term 1 – Overview

By Linn Hoggins | October 11, 2023

Dear parent / carer   Governors of the Staffing and Finance (S&F) governor committee met recently for the first meeting of the academic year.     We reviewed the use of Sports Premium funding for 2022-23 and were pleased with the positive impact this funding continues to have in school.  More information can be found on…

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HH Sports Coaching Half Term Sports Camp at King Edward Primary School – Mon 30th Oct, Tues 31st Oct, Wed 1st Nov with Harry Hoggins

By Linn Hoggins | October 10, 2023

HH Sports Coaching with Harry Hoggins is hosting a 3 day Multi Sports Camp during the October Half Term at King Edward Primary School on Monday 30th October, Tuesday 31st October and Wednesday 1st November 2023 for children in Years 2 to 6.  To book a place, scan the QR code below or click on…

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Year 5 – Harvest Festival – Wednesday 11th October 2023 – Harvest Donations for Cedarwood’s Nourish Store

By Linn Hoggins | October 9, 2023

To celebrate Harvest Festival on Wednesday 11th October 2023 Year 5 are hosting their annual Harvest Assembly.  Year 5 parents/carers are welcome to come along to the assembly in the gym via the far school entrance, doors will open after 9.05am to allow children to come into school. We are asking our whole school community…

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Parents Evening – October 2023

By Linn Hoggins | October 9, 2023

Dear parents / carers   As per our advance notification, parents evening will take place after school on Monday 16th and Thursday 19th October 2023.  Parents evening is for all children from Nursery to Year 6.  Parents evening for Year 5 is on Monday 16th and Wednesday 18th October.     About appointments Parents evening will…

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Pre-loved outdoor clothing swap

By Sarah Parnaby | October 6, 2023

Dear parent / carer As you may know, children in Y4 and Y6 have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit this year to an outdoor activity centre.  Due to the rising costs of living and thinking of the eco / environmental benefits of recycling and reusing clothing, we are proposing to hold…

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World Mental Health Day – Tuesday 10th October 2023 – Dress in Yellow

By Linn Hoggins | October 3, 2023

Dear Parents / Carers, Next Tuesday is World Mental Health Day – October 10th. The charity, YoungMinds, is calling on schools across the country to take part in #HelloYellow on World Mental Health Day to show young people they’re not alone with their mental health. The theme is ‘Stand Out and Show Up’. So, we are asking all children (including Nursery children),…

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King Edward Primary School – Ofsted Inspection – Letter to Parents/Carers

By Linn Hoggins | October 3, 2023

Please click on the link below to view a copy of an important letter for parents/carers regarding our Ofsted Inspection on Wednesday 4th October 2023 and Thursday 5th October 2023:   Letter to parents/carers King Edward Primary School Ofsted Inspection

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KS2 Dog’s Trust Visit and Parent Survey Request

By Linn Hoggins | October 2, 2023

Dogs Trust will be visiting our school to deliver workshops about dog safety on Wednesday 25th, Thursday 26th and Friday 27th October 2024.  They are working with the University of Salford on a groundbreaking study that aims to understand how to prevent children sustaining dog bites and are asking for all families with a child…

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Y4 residential visit March 2024

By Kate Byrne | September 29, 2023

Dear parents / carers   As you know, Year 4 will have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit to Weardale Activity Centre next March!  We very much hope that all children who want to will take up this amazing opportunity.     Weardale Adventure Centre offers fun and learning in an area of…

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Pizza Party!

By Sarah Parnaby | September 25, 2023

Dear parent / carer We are having a fun day lunch on Thursday 5th October – it’s a Pizza Party! Children will have the choice of margherita or pepperoni pizza with wedges, sides and dips.  Then it’s ice cream sundae for dessert! There are prizes to be won for children taking part in the Pizza…

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Year 6 – High Borrans Visit – May 2024

By Linn Hoggins | September 21, 2023

Dear parents/carers, I would like to inform you that year 6 will have the opportunity to have a residential experience in 2024.  The proposed trip is planned for High Borrans in the Lake District.  The dates that this will take place is 20th to 24th May 2024. The week is split so that we can…

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Years 1 to Year 3 – Reading Information

By Linn Hoggins | September 20, 2023

Dear parents/ carers,   Firstly, thank you for your continued support in helping our children develop into confident, independent readers. Ensuring every child has the necessary skills they need to read is an essential component of literacy education. It enables children to not only learn across the curriculum but also to access numerous aspects of…

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Home School Agreements

By Linn Hoggins | September 20, 2023

Dear parent / carer   At King Edward Primary School, we know how important it is to work together as a school community so that everyone can be #happy #caring #achieving.     Please click the links below to see our:   Home school agreement ICT acceptable use agreement   Thank you Miss Byrne Headteacher

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Class Newsletters – Autumn Term 2023

By Linn Hoggins | September 18, 2023

Please click on the links below to view a copy of the Class Newsletters for Autumn Term 2023:   Nursery Class Newsletter   The KEEP Class Newsletter   Reception Class Newsletter   Year 1 Class Newsletter   Year 2 Class Newsletter   Year 3 Class Newsletter   Year 4 Class Newsletter   Year 5 Class…

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Annual reminders

By Linn Hoggins | September 13, 2023

Dear parent / carer   As we settle back into the new school year, can we remind you of a few things to help school life run as smoothly and safely as possible.   Pick up arrangements including who is collecting your child from school should be made before the start of the school day…

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High School Applications are now open!

By Linn Hoggins | September 12, 2023

The application process for parents/carers to apply for a High School place for September 2024 are now open.   To apply for a High School place for your child, please click the link: North Tyneside Council – Online School Applications – High School (Year 7)   We also recommend you click on the following links…

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Reception Applications for September 2024 are now open!

By Linn Hoggins | September 12, 2023

The application process for parents/carers to apply for a Reception place for September 2024 are now open.   To apply for a Reception place for your child, please click the link: North Tyneside Council – Online School Applications – Reception Class   We also recommend you click on the following links which includes a handy leaflet…

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Year 4 Weardale Activity Centre Residential Meeting – Thursday 29th September 2023

By Linn Hoggins | September 12, 2023

Dear Parents/Carers, We are pleased to tell you that your child will have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit this school year! Year 4 will be able to go to Weardale Activity Centre in March. We would like to invite you and your child to a meeting to tell you more about…

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Operation Encompass

By Linn Hoggins | September 5, 2023

Please click on the link: Operation Encompass Letter to view a letter with information regarding the innovative project which schools in North Tyneside are participating in.   Thank you  

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How we Learn Meeting on Monday 18th September 2023 at 5pm

By Linn Hoggins | September 5, 2023

Thank you for all of your support during your child’s first day in their new Reception class. The children have settled in brilliantly and we are looking forward to a happy and successful year ahead.   We’d like to invite you into school for a ‘How we Learn’ meeting in school at 5pm on Monday 18th…

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Start of term update

By Kate Byrne | September 1, 2023

Dear parents and carers, I hope that you and our children have all had a happy, restful and fun summer break from school.  It’s a shame that the weather hasn’t been kinder to us all and I hope that none of you were affected by the Air Traffic Control chaos earlier this week.   Reinforced…

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School Meals Autumn 23

By Sarah Parnaby | August 31, 2023

Dear parent / carer Autumn Menu I am pleased to share our new menu for the Autumn term which can be found at this link.  The menu includes some fantastic dishes perfect for the Autumn season such as mince and dumplings, vegetarian toad in the hole, apple crumble and custard and many more! Paying for…

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Years 1, 2 & 3 – DoodleMaths

By Linn Hoggins | July 20, 2023

Dear parents / carers, We are so proud of the work the children in Years 1,2 and 3 have been doing on DoodleMaths this year. Especially the number of stars and streaks which have been achieved. For children to maintain their streaks, they will need to continue to use DoodleMaths over the summer. We still…

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Roof works and scaffolding at KEPS from this weekend

By Kate Byrne | July 16, 2023

Dear parents/carers,   This is just a quick message to let you all know about some significant and necessary roof work which is taking place throughout our school summer holidays.  In preparation for this vital work taking place, scaffolding has begun to be installed around our main school building this weekend.   We have been…

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Parent/Carer – Children in Year 2, moving to Year 3 in September 2023 – School Meals

By Linn Hoggins | July 12, 2023

Parent/Carers of children in Year 2, Moving to Year 3 in September 2023   From September 2023 your child will no longer receive Universal Free School Meals (benefit related free school meals will still continue as normal).  If you would like your child to stay for school meals from September you will have to pay…

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School Fair Raffle Prize Winners!!!

By Linn Hoggins | July 10, 2023

Very well done to all our raffle prize winners, please bring your ticket to the office to collect your prize.  

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Cedarwood Trust – Nourish Store, North Shields – Donation Request

By Linn Hoggins | July 10, 2023

Cedarwood, a charity located in the heart of the Meadow Well in North Shields are very proud of their Nourish Store.  They are not a food bank; they are a community scheme which costs £1 to join and £4 for your chosen basket of shopping which includes fresh fruit, salad and vegetables.  They are open…

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Transition to Year 2 September 2023

By Linn Hoggins | July 3, 2023

Dear parent / carer   Parents of children moving from Year 1 to Year 2 in September 2023   See your child’s new entrance  You are invited to see your child’s new entrance and classroom.  This will be an opportunity for you to have a quick look around with staff at their new learning space. …

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Years 1, 2 & 3 – The Doodle Summer Challenge – 1st of July – 31st July 2023

By Linn Hoggins | June 28, 2023

Please see information below regarding the DoodleMaths summer challenge for children in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3.

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